Video shows what ‘The Great Reset’ would look like

A video has recently resurfaced showing what a prototypical life under “The Great Reset” would look like. 

As covered extensively by Frontline News, The Great Reset is part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) globalist agenda. It entails a digital transformation of countries and their citizens, which requires three elements: digital IDs, digital payments and data governance.  

“Digital ID, digital payments, and data governance are each important individually. Together, they add up to a powerful public good,” says the WEF on its website.  

Many have pointed out that they add up to total control by governments. Whether that control is used for the “public good” or not is at the discretion of said government. 

The video, which is promoting a digital ID wallet product by Thales, shows that life under The Great Reset would mean total government control. 

It starts with a girl named Lucy. 

“Hello everyone, meet Lucy, student in psychology,” begins the narrator. “And me, her digital ID wallet issued by the government to offer a wide range of identity services.” 

The video tries to portray the benefits of the government issued digital ID beginning with mandatory vaccinations. 

“Let’s have a closer look at what I can do,” the video continues. “I can help governments to better communicate with citizens. Right now, I’m reminding Lucy of the appointment she needs to schedule for her mandatory vaccination.” 

Lucy is then shown using the digital ID on her phone to do daily tasks such as taking an exam, going to the doctor, going to an interview, getting a new passport, paying her taxes, opening a bank account, renting a car and entering a bar. 

The video claims that Lucy would have “total control over her data”. 

“I am also trusted by governments to support countries’ digital transformation,” adds the narrator. 

Lucy uses her digital ID throughout the video by generating and scanning QR codes, which countries around the world – including many in Europe – have begun using to verify citizens’ identities through their vaccine passports. 

Perhaps most puzzling is that the video, which begins by assuming mandatory vaccinations, was uploaded in October 2020, before any COVID-19 vaccine was introduced and certainly before any vaccine mandates. 

The video was created by Thales Group, a multinational corporation with over 80,000 employees.  Thales Group specializes in building electronic systems for the cybersecurity, space and defense industries, among others. 

The company has been vocal about its support for vaccine passports. 

“Covid-19 health passes can open the door to a digital ID revolution,” was the title of an article on Thales Group’s blog last year. 

Thales Group, aside from publishing articles supporting the WEF, once employed Georges De Moura as its chief information security officer (CISO). De Moura is currently the Head of Industry Solutions for the World Economic Forum.