South Korea: Asia’s COVID experiment has failed

In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, health experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci told the public that herd immunity would be achieved when 60%-70% of people are immune to the virus. 

Then, Fauci changed that number to “70, 75%”. 

Then, he changed it to “between 75 and 80, 85%” in an interview with CNBC. 

The next day, he said that the number was closer to 90%, clarifying that close to 90% of the population would need to be vaccinated for there to be herd immunity. 

One would think, then, that South Korea would be doing reasonably well in terms of COVID-19, with nearly 87% of its population vaccinated and 63% boosted. 

But South Korea’s pandemic is now worse than ever. 

“The country is now seeing hundreds of thousands of new cases each day -- some of the highest daily averages in the world,” reported CNN last week. 

While the medical establishment has long since admitted that vaccination does not prevent transmission of the virus, it continues to maintain that the vaccine protects against severe illness and death. 

But that makes it difficult to explain South Korea’s death rate. On Wednesday, COVID-19 deaths in South Korea reached 470, making it the deadliest day in the country’s pandemic history. 

Furthermore, these deaths are reportedly from the Omicron strain of the virus – the mildest strain yet. 

People are starting to take note. 

"South Korea, a country with an 85% COVID-19 vaccination rate, is having a record surge of new cases,” tweeted America’s Frontline Doctors founder Dr. Simone Gold. “The CDC is advising not to travel to the country. When the CDC is advising the vaccinated to refrain from traveling to a highly vaccinated country, you know something’s wrong.” 

"The breaking story out of South Korea,” said renowned physician Dr. Peter McCullough in an interview Saturday. “South Korea had relatively few cases so far, now has the largest number of cases and the largest number of should be clear the vaccines are failing." 

“The Omicron wave in South Korea, a model country for managing its pandemic, has led to the highest current per capita death rate of any country in the world,” tweeted physician Eric Topol. 

“South Korea has mask mandates, near universal compliance, vaccine passports, 87% of the population is fully vaccinated, and they have one of the world’s highest booster rates — over 62% of the population has had a booster,” tweeted Ian Miller. “They also have the highest current case rate in the world.”