Ontario authorities now urge citizens to ‘respect choices’ as mask mandate lifts

Now that Ontario’s mask mandate has lifted, Ontario authorities are urging the public to “be kind” and “respect” each other’s choice to wear or not to wear a mask. 

Ontario Premier Doug Ford decreed earlier this month that the mask mandate would be lifted today for schools, stores and most public indoor places. 

However, many people who have grown addicted to wearing masks have vowed not to remove them, and authorities are calling on everyone to respect their choice and “be kind". 

“As we move forward, I encourage everyone to support each other and respect every person's decision,” Ford tweeted when he announced his decision to end the mandate. 

“As a society, we must remain kind, considerate and respectful toward those who continue wearing a mask,” said Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore. 

“Let's encourage respect for each other and the decisions that individuals and families make,” said Deputy Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brent Moloughney said in a statement Thursday. 

“Some individuals may choose to keep wearing masks in places where they are not required; please be kind and respectful of others’ choices,” the Ottawa Catholic School Board shared from Ottawa Public Health. 

“Please be kind, safe & cautious,” wrote Ford today. 

Respecting and accepting individual choices will continue to be critical on the path ahead,” tweeted Limestone District School Board on Friday, after requesting permission to continue mandating masks for its students. 

“While masks are no longer mandated in city facilities beginning March 21, we ask that all visitors to city buildings and public spaces remain kind, considerate and respectful of other people’s choices,” said a public notice issued by the City of Brantford on Friday. 

Countless people have been bullied, harassed, humiliated, shamed and mocked over the last two years for making the choice to not wear a mask. 

However, maskers are now saying they’re concerned that they will be bullied for their choice to continue wearing one, apparently forgetting who has been doing the bullying. 

“As we remove masks mandates today children will be worried, & rightfully so,” tweeted Stephanie Craig gravely. “Do not tell them ‘don't worry’. Bullying happens, and this is one more reason to bully. More importantly, be kind. If you see someone being bullied for wearing a mask, please stand up for them.” 

“Relying on individuals to make these decisions regarding masking their children is brutal,” wrote another user. “Children will be bullied. Teachers cannot be expected to control who is wearing a mask and who is not. Children will be coming back from trips. They should be wearing masks. @OCDSB.” 

“WTF will you say to my 10 y/o who gets bullied at school for wearing a face mask?” wrote another user whose username reads “COVID is airborne”. 

“Ontario’s mask mandate ends today. I’m preparing to head in to work where I am going to be bullied mercilessly for wearing a mask,” tweeted another. “My boss said there would be no tolerance for this, but I’ve already been warned it’ll happen (as if it hasn’t already been going on for months).” 

Some pointed out the irony of mask hardliners suddenly being concerned about being bullied. 

“The mask mandate in Ontario isn't over until midnight tonight & the pro vaxx/maskers are already tweeting about not wanting to be bullied over their personal choice to wear one... The same people that bullied others over not getting vaxxed & not wearing masks,” tweeted one user. 

“It's hilarious to see them politely ask not to be bullied or centered out for continuing to wear a mask, meanwhile we've been asking the exact same thing for 2 years for not wearing a mask. What were we treated with? Hostility and shame. Expect the same in return,” wrote another.