Israelis protest as elites award Pfizer CEO $1M at exclusive ceremony

Throngs of Israeli protesters converged Wednesday on the Jerusalem Theatre where Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was gifted the Genesis Prize, a “Jewish Nobel” that carries with it a $1 million award. The prize was awarded to the pharma executive by Israel President Isaac Herzog at an exclusive ceremony. 

Bourla was chosen by the Genesis Prize Committee for the award due to “his leadership, determination, and willingness to assume great risks in delivering a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine in record time:  months instead of years.” 

The protesters booed and shouted “Shame on you! Shame on you!” and “We will not comply!” and “Here comes another criminal!” at the elite guests as they arrived at the gala in taxis and charter buses. They sang “We will never give up” throughout much of the protest. The crowd carried signs that read, “I, too, am a vaccine victim”, “Pharma = $$$$$”, “No vaccines for children”, “Bourla is a Nazi”, “Stop being silent about vaccine injuries”, “Bourla came to accept a Nobel for murdering the people” and “Burliar” under a photo of Bourla with an extended Pinocchio-like nose. 

The protest underscores a deepening divide between Israel's citizenry and the country’s ruling class, who lavished Bourla with a hero’s welcome. 

As reported by America’s Frontline News, Bourla’s reception by Israel’s elite – who have gone largely untouched by the pandemic – is unprecedented even among the country’s bravest heroes. Aside from the Genesis Prize, Bourla has banqueted with the country’s top brass, where he was also serenaded by one of Israel’s celebrity singers. Israeli media have been fawning over Bourla, avoiding all controversial questions and openly gushing over the pharma executive.  

“You’re quite a walking miracle,” Channel 12 reporter Yonit Levy breathlessly told Bourla during a Sunday interview, also thanking him “for everything you did.” At another point, Levy asked Bourla if it was a “bold” decision to be so selfless in manufacturing the COVID-19 vaccine.   

“You are the Genesis Prize Laureate for 2022,” said Levy. “One of the reasons that they stated in giving you the prize is that you took many risks on yourself and also refused a federal grant to develop these vaccines. When you look back at that decision, that’s a pretty bold decision to make, wasn’t it?” asked Levy.   

“It was,” Bourla concurred. “But also, the times were asking for bold decisiveness.”  

The two then discussed the harm caused by “anti-vaxxers”.  

But perhaps the most obsequious remark came from Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who in a Tuesday tweet thanked Bourla for “the gift of life.”  

“It was truly a pleasure to finally meet @Pfizer Chairman & CEO, my friend @AlbertBourla,” wrote Bennett. “Thank you, Albert, for the gift you gave the world — the gift of life.” The tweet accompanied a video of Bourla and Bennett which shows Bennett embracing the pharma mogul. 

But social media activity suggests that the Israeli people may feel differently about Israel’s new megastar.  

“With the Pfizer document release (that they wanted sealed for 75 years) the jury is still out on that gift to the world thing," responded one Israeli to Bennett’s tweet.  

“My stupid country is giving a monetary award to a man that made a financial decision for the company that he is working for!!!  All vax  injuries have been wiped under the carpet.  I am so ashamed of our leaders and public health officials.”  

“Israel PM: ‘Thank you, Albert Burla, for the gift you brought to the world – the gift of life’. OMG. This is coming from a religious person who says every day : ‘I thank you, living and enduring King, for You have graciously returned my soul within me. Great is Your faithfulness.’”  

“Gift of life only comes from God.”  

“History will not look kindly upon either of you.”  

“Nazi criminal. He’s worse than Mengele." 

“‘The gift of life’ ????????????. What have you been smoking? I bet you haven’t taken the shot, I’d put my life on it. Scum. The people will not forget you, good luck ????.”  

 “Albert you are persona non grata in Israel. Go.”  

 “Human scum.”