Wikipedia pays groups to embed feminism, racial ideology in articles

The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that owns Wikipedia, pays far-Left groups handsomely to edit the online encyclopedia so that it reflects feminist and racial ideologies, according to a report from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Wikipedia has long been seen as a vehicle for globalist disinformation. Its CEO, Maryana Iskander, was formerly the COO of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in New York. Studies have found Wikipedia to be heavily biased toward the Left and the site was used by the Biden-Harris administration to spread vaccine propaganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Although Wikipedia often begs visitors for donations to keep it alive, the Wikimedia Foundation’s tax records for the 2022-2023 fiscal year show that it has plenty of funds left over to spend on injecting Leftist ideologies into its articles.

Art+Feminism: Rewriting history

According to the documents, the foundation paid a group called Art+Feminism $382,000 “to support work to further [its] mission.”

“Art+Feminism builds a community of activists that is committed to closing information gaps related to gender, feminism, and the arts, beginning with Wikipedia,” the group says on its website.

“We envision dismantling supremacist systems and creating pathways for everyone to participate in writing (and righting) history. From coffee shops and community centers to the largest museums and universities in the world, Art+Feminism leads a do-it-yourself and do-it-with-others campaign that teaches people of all gender identities and expressions to edit Wikipedia.”

Art+Feminism boasts it is responsible for the “creation and improvement” of over 100,000 articles on Wikipedia and “sister projects.”

“When cis and trans women, non-binary people, Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities are not represented in the writing and editing on the tenth-most-visited site in the world, information about people like us gets skewed and misrepresented. The stories get mistold. We lose out on real history. That’s why we’re here: to change it.”

Whose Knowledge: ‘Decolonizing the internet’

The Wikimedia Foundation also gave $200,000 to Whose Knowledge, an organization with the aim to “decolonize the internet.” Whose Knowledge has several initiatives to populate Wikipedia with Leftist content, such as partnering with a “feminist LGBTQI group in Bosnia and Herzegovina” to add a “queer archive.”

The group is heavily pro-Hamas and obsessed with “body positivity.”

“Collectively, we surpassed our goal and brought over 3000+ images to Wikimedia Commons of bodies of all sizes, colors, and shapes; bodies that occupy workspaces, sports arenas, stages, and streets with the glorious plurality we want to see online and on wiki,” the organization’s website says, but adds: “2024 also bears a heavy burden of collective rage and grief as the masters’ tools continue to be weaponized against our bodies, our communities, and our lands.”

Black Lunch Table: Making history blacker

The Wikimedia Foundation gave over $300,000 to an organization called Black Lunch Table, which seeks to make the online encyclopedia blacker.

“The Wikimedia Foundation estimates that 77% of Wikieditors are white and 91% are men,” the organization’s website reads. “Our work shifts this demographic and empowers people to write their own history.”

“Black Lunch Table Wikimedians mobilize the creation and improvement of a specific set of Wikipedia articles that pertain to the lives and works of Black artists,” the group says. “In the field of mainstream contemporary art, Black artists are still marginalized within their field.”

Wikipedia co-founder: ‘Shameless’

In 2021, Wikipedia Co-Founder Larry Sanger slammed the company for its bias, writing in a blog post that “Wikipedia openly repudiates neutrality,” and is “shamelessly hypocritical in how it continues to pay lip service to its ‘neutral point of view’ policy.” He added that the site’s “articles emerge more as propaganda than as reference material.” 

“In short, and with few exceptions, only globalist, progressive mainstream sources — and sources friendly to globalist progressivism — are permitted,” Sanger wrote. 

This was reportedly corroborated by political commentator Steven Crowder, who devised an experiment earlier this year to determine if Wikipedia deliberately skews facts to fit a narrative. As part of the experiment, Crowder’s team submitted edits to hot-button issues such as minimum wage, which showed only one economist’s opinion, an economist who argued in favor of the Left-wing narrative. When Crowder added dissenting quotes from conservative world-class economist Thomas Sowell, the edits were rejected every time because “the source was unreliable.” 

A vaccine propaganda tool

During the pandemic, the Biden-Harris administration used Wikipedia to spread government misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. The government commissioned a group named Hacks/Hackers to hire Wikipedia censors — called “Research Coordinators” — for a project called NewsQ. The censors’ job was to list which sources of vaccine information were “credible sources” and which were “unreliable”. Job applicants did not need a medical background or expertise in a medical field to become a Research Coordinator. 

“That list is already taking shape on Wikipedia, with liberal outlets such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, and The Atlantic all marked ‘reliable,’” reported The Daily Wire. “Conservative sites, including The Daily Wire, Daily Mail, Epoch Times, and The Federalist, are all classified as either ‘unreliable’ or ‘conspiracy'.”