WHO appoints communist who wants COVID mandates ‘forever’ to chair position

The World Health Organization (WHO) has appointed British Communist Party Member Susan Michie to chair its Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health. Michie, who is currently Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London (UCL), has been a member of the Communist Party of Britain for over 40 years. 

The objective of the Technical Advisory Group Michie will be heading is to advise the WHO on countries’ behavioral health policies. 

In the WHO’s words, the group will “make recommendations to WHO for the development of an operational framework for the mainstreaming of behavioural insights and sciences into WHO operations, particularly in the area of providing technical advice on national health policies and programme planning.” 

Michie was asked once in an interview on Good Morning Britain about her communist loyalties. 

“You’ve been a member of the Communist Party for about 40 years now, you’re still a member, and we know that they’re statist,” prompted Richard Madeley in July 2021.  

“We look at communist countries around the world and we see that they are tremendously top-down dominant and controlled societies that they rule over. 

“I just wonder – and I’m putting this question on behalf of those who wonder about your politics – if your politics actually informs your sense of control?”  

“It’s not just the medical arguments,” he clarified, “but you have a kind of a political bent to want the state to tell people what to do?” 

Michie refused to answer, saying she “came on this program as a scientist.” 

But Madeley tried again: 

“So you’re saying that your politics doesn’t inform your opinion on this subject?” 

This, too, Michie refused to answer, again saying she had come in her capacity as a scientist. 

But Michie had already given her answer, one month before. 

In June 2021, Professor Susan Michie said the state should impose COVID-19 mandates “forever”, particularly where it controls people’s behavior.  

“Vaccines are a really big part of the pandemic control, but it’s only one part,” she told Channel 5 in June 2021. “Test, trace and isolate system, border controls are really essential. And the third thing is people’s behavior. Um, that is the behavior of social distancing, of when you’re indoors making sure there’s good ventilation, or if it’s not, wearing face masks, and hand and surface hygiene. We’ll need to keep these going in the long term, and that will be good not only for COVID, but also to reduce other diseases.” 

When asked to clarify what she meant by “long term”, Michie responded: “I think forever, to some extent.”