Kamala Harris abandons Gazans … to Hamas

Kamala Harris has reiterated the White House policy that the war in Gaza should end immediately, before the overthrow of the Hamas regime.

President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination [emphasis added].

"Secure Israel"

Harris did not explain how Israel would be secure if the war ends today with thousands of Hamas terrorists remaining at large, as well as hundreds of miles of underground tunnels and unknown stockpiles of weapons that Israel has yet to destroy and with which Hamas has promised to repeat the massacre of October 7th, as senior Hamas official Gazi Hamad stated just 2 weeks after carrying out the mini-Holocaust:

But weapons smuggling to continue

The ceasefire agreement Harris and Biden pressured Benjamin Netanyahu to accept, in a joint call to the Israeli Prime Minister this week, calls on Israel to reduce, and eventually remove, its presence along the Gaza-Egypt border, over and under which massive arms smuggling has brought rocket parts, RPGs, and even the materials for tunnel building into Gaza, to the hands of terrorist groups such as Hamas.

The Biden/Harris plan also calls for Israel's withdrawal from the rest of Gaza in the second of the three phases outlined in their ceasefire proposal.

But terror funding to continue

At the same time, the White House has repeatedly demanded that Israel transfer billions of shekels in import fees for goods sold to residents of the Marxist PLO's subsidiary, the Palestinian Authority (PA), despite the PA's transfer of a large percentage of that money to Hamas and despite its transfer of a great portion of the rest of the funds to terrorists in PA controlled areas. The White House has not explained how it can be ensured that these funds are not used to pay for smuggled weapons or for salaries of Hamas members digging tunnels.

The White House has also not explained why is it so crucial that the PA receive these billions when the PA does not need to budget any money for self-defense, since the IDF protects the West Bank from potential invasions. In fact, the PA itself demonstrates its lack of need for those funds by transferring around $1.6 billion annually to terrorists in Hamas (while the PA plays off Hamas as the bad cop in its good cop/bad cop manipulation) and in the PA controlled areas, which together amounts to 27% of its $6 billion annual budget.

Palestinian dignity, security, freedom

If Israel will not be more secure with an immediate cease fire leading to a permanent one with Hamas remaining in power, could Harris at least be half vindicated by fulfilling her promise of "dignity, security, freedom and self-determination" for Gaza's Arabs?

But no dignity or security

Even before the current war, more than 90% of Gazans wished they could permanently leave Gaza due to Hamas abuses including, “abductions, torture and extra-judicial killings.” They could have also claimed economic migrant status, with average incomes of about $273 per month for those not on the Hamas payroll and lacking sufficient Hamas connections to obtain one of the tens of thousands of work permits provided by Israel and distributed by Hamas to workers to enter Israel daily and earn a far higher salary inside Israel.

Even as Hamas has been decimated in the current war, reduced to at most 8,000 terrorists from an original army of up to 40,000, Hamas continues to persecute ordinary Gazans, stealing donated food and water and then requiring civilians to pay the terrorist organization to receive that aid. Gazans who can't afford to pay for the food and try to take what should have been theirs for free are beaten publicly by Hamas:

The abuse of, and cries for help from, Gaza's civilians is documented in the video below:

This abuse can be expected to continue, as the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, bragged about strangling Gaza's civilian Arabs with his own hands as he accuses political dissidents of being "collaborators" just as the communist ANC terrorists "necklaced" dissidents in South Africa with false claims of collaboration. This in addition to the allegations that Sinwar is a pedophile:

Sinwar is also accused of protecting other pedophiles, allowing them to continue molesting Arab children:

Harris' call to end the war with Sinwar still in power thus puts the children of Gaza in great danger as victims of child rape would have no authorities to whom to report a crime committed by their totalitarian ruler.

One might therefore expect Harris to encourage Israel to complete the liberation of ordinary Gazans from the dictator subjugating them, a task that is getting closer to being realized each day, with estimates that Hamas has lost at least 80% (more likely 90% according to other sources) of its terror force.

For that matter, one might expect Harris to support the liberation of West Bank Arabs from the tyranny of its PLO/PA leaders; the first PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, having also been known as a pedophile, as recorded by his KGB handlers, and gaining infamy for machine-gunning some Arab dissidents, and pouring acid on the faces o other dissidents, who were also accused of being collaborators.

But no self-determination

Hamas has not held elections since it took power almost two decades ago.

But no freedom to leave

With the onset of the war, as Hamas uses women and children as human shields, not allowing them to leave Hamas-dominated areas replete with missile launchers that draw Israeli fire, the percentage of Gazans not affiliated with Hamas could be expected to now be close to 100%. Nonetheless, Hamas continues to refuse them the right to travel and those who cannot afford to bribe Hamas officials with about $5,000 and $10,000 per family member to be smuggled out of the strip are forced to remain.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken oddly demanded, at the outset of the war in Gaza, that every Gazan woman, elderly individual and child remain in Gaza during wartime as allowing them to leave was labeled a "non-starter" by the secretary:

Arabs themselves objected to this policy to no avail:

But adult, male economic migrants welcome

In stark contrast to their treatment of Gazans, Biden/Harris have long pushed open borders for adult male “refugees” who are leaving women and children behind and are not even coming from war zones. These migrants are welcomed even when coming from nations at peace, like Mexico or Turkey.

In some cases they arrived at those peaceful nations after fleeing economic hardship from places like Honduras. In others, they arrived from war torn countries like Syria, but were already safe in a different nation before choosing to move on to the West. In all cases, they were freely welcomed by the Biden/Harris regime and their Leftist supporters:

@JoeBiden promised that "not another foot of wall would be constructed" on the border.

Standing by their word, Biden/Harris have already admitted well over 5 million illegal aliens, more than twice the entire population of Gaza, into America, many flown into the U.S. at taxpayer expense.

An overthrow of Hamas by an Israeli army not pressured by Harris to concede defeat, and the resettlement of Gazans unaffiliated with Hamas in countries throughout the world, would entail the absorption of a far smaller number of refugees, and would see families arriving, as opposed to the endless stream of young men often seen crossing the southern border.