Watch: Families describe adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccine

Sen. Ron Johnson holds a news conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with families from across the country who share their experiences regarding adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.Pediatric dental hygienist Kristi Dobbs described her fear that she may never be able to practice again. “I would give my whole life savings if only I could go back to January 17th, and never to have experienced this in my life.”She was followed by a mother, Stephanie de Garay, and her daughter, Maddie. Stephanie is an electrical engineer and the father a doctor. They enrolled their 12-year-old and two other children for the Pfizer trial. She describes the serious side effects and lack of care and support they received after the trial. She is shocked it is not being carefully investigated to prevent harm to others.State Governor Tony Evers called Johnson's roundtable "reckless and irresponsible."