Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 9)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.    

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.    

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.    

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Erin Bergman 

On May 13, 2021, 41-year-old Erin Bergman made what she calls “the biggest mistake of my life.” The nurse told Erin she was lucky – it was the last Moderna shot of the day.  

“I got pressure from work, pressure from family, pressure from friends, pressure from co-workers,” says Erin, explaining her decision. “It was brutal, and I gave in.” 

Though the wildlife biologist and botanist had never been sick with more than a mild cold, she woke up hours after the shot “and felt an elephant on my chest.” She felt like there was a running loop of acid traveling from her arm to her chest and she had a fever. 

“I called the doctor saying what happened, and she was listing off side effects,” says Erin. “I couldn’t talk, because she wouldn’t stop listing minor side effects, and I think she hung up on me. At this point, I don’t remember, because I got so weak so fast.” 

The feeling of burning acid continued throughout her whole body. She went to the doctor who misdiagnosed her. She developed breathing issues, shingles, and heart palpitations. Her hands and feet turned blue. She couldn’t eat. Some parts of her body felt freezing, some felt like they were on fire. 

She was misdiagnosed many times.  

Six months after the injection, Erin found functional medicine and she slowly began to heal. 

“This shot was the worst day of my life, the worst mistake I have ever made and my greatest regret,” shared Erin. “I personally feel like people are not getting the same doses. I know I am healthier than some of my friends, and they had no symptoms, so that makes no sense.   

“I have learned some major lessons about the horrors of big pharma. You really learn when you feel the fire burning inside your body. I am grateful to be alive and awake to these horrors now. I wish that others didn't have to go through what I did, especially innocent children and babies. I can’t imagine any child going through what I went through. If my story helps protect even one child, it is worth it.” 

Helena Siewert 

24-year-old Helena Siewert was the picture of health. She loved exercise, including CrossFit and heavy weightlifting. For Helena, nutrition was a hobby. 

So Helena couldn’t understand why she kept vomiting three days after her first Pfizer shot on April 9, 2021. After vomiting for a week, she was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with Gastroparesis, a disease in which one’s stomach does not empty itself properly. 

Helena thought “the vaccine timing was just a coincidence.” And now that she was immunocompromised, she had to protect herself by getting the second shot on April 30, 2021. 

Helena began throwing up about 30 times a day. 

“Due to continuous vomiting, my life has been altered drastically,” says Helena. “I am now not able to do what I loved doing before, like working out and healthy eating. I now have to eat soft, ultra-processed foods, which consist of rice and lean/tender meats and no fruits/vegetables, due to my body not being able to process them. I am currently seeing a neurogastroenterologist for my gastroparesis and intestinal dysmotility. I have been granted FDA compassionate care to medications not available in the US. I am currently taking domperidone, Motegrity, and Zofran for vomiting, and I get Botox injections in my stomach with only slight improvement. Since the vaccine and diagnosis, I have lost 30 pounds.” 

Steve Johnson 

48-year-old Steve Johnson had already had COVID before. The Canadian, who says he “had a very happy family life,” shares it was physical activity that got him through the illness. 

Steve decided to get the COVID-19 injections because he worked in the public sector and felt pressured by the media, government and society.  

“We were not told at all about potential side effects of the vaccine,” says Steve. “It was also so rushed.” 

He got the AstraZeneca shot in April 2021 and felt some tingling in his right hand and foot. 

In July 2021, he got the Pfizer mRNA injection. He developed tinnitus and an internal tremor with numbness and tingling all over his body. The formerly active family man has given up biking because his arms are too weak. 

Steve says COVID “was a walk in the park compared to vaccine reaction.” 

“If you have an adverse reaction, you will most likely be left on your own,” Steve advises. “The media, many doctors, the government do not want to acknowledge this is going on. Think twice before taking a booster. Especially, please do not vaccinate your young children unless absolutely necessary. We do not need two year olds suffering life-changing injuries from a vaccine they do not need.” 

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