Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 21)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Sutton Hohensee

16-year-old Sutton Hohensee thought she was “thinking of others” when she received her third Pfizer dose in January 2022. A few days later she went to school feeling unwell. 

It was during one of her tennis matches, she said, that her body began to shut down and wouldn’t “go”. She felt a sharp pain in her chest and her breathing changed. Her asthma inhaler didn’t help and, by the end of the match, she was hyperventilating, her vision was blurry and she still felt sharp pains in her chest.

Her parents picked her up, and Sutton hasn’t returned to school since. They took her to the hospital but the doctor dismissed her symptoms and sent her home. She developed severe head pain and was admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital but “nothing changed”.

Sutton has seen 23 different doctors and undergone many tests but continues to suffer from symptoms such as tinnitus, tachycardia, bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness and others.

The 16-year-old says she doesn’t know what the future holds but she’s trying to stay positive.

“Vaccine injury is real, be a voice, keep talking about it and searching for answers. Healthcare has not even scratched the surface of how to help us. Keep putting your symptoms in front of them, and eventually there will be research and treatment,” says Sutton.

Pete Muratore

On February 26, 2021, we never realized that this was the end of life as we knew it,” says Kari Muratore.

Kari’s husband, Pete, is a father to two energetic boys. After beating cancer in 2019, he was active, positive and independently mobile. During the pandemic, doctors told Pete he was high risk for COVID-19 and had to be injected with the vaccine.

Pete received his first Pfizer dose on February 26, 2021 and his second on March 19, 2021.

The next month, Pete’s foot began to swell. Some doctors thought it was gout, while others suggested major back surgery. Even after months of physical therapy, Pete lost feeling in his feet, and then his legs and waist. He ceased being able to stand or walk unassisted.

He developed several blood clots which required emergency surgery. He is now losing feeling in his arms, hands and other parts of his body.

“We are no closer to finding answers,” Kari says.

“Pete, always an optimistic, full of life, cheer you on type of guy, is becoming depressed and hopeless,” she adds. “Imagine not being able to do the things you used to do. Imagine worrying that you could fall at any point or have an accident while talking to a business associate or in the middle of a hockey game that your child is playing. Imagine feeling like you are just waiting for this ‘disease' to just take over your body and kill you. He is becoming despondent, hopeless, and desperate. “

Kari says that on March 8th, they received confirmation that Pete’s condition had been caused by the Pfizer shots.

“We are devastated that this is our new journey and one we did not choose, but one we will continue as we have no other choice. We will fight and continue to seek answers, but we also need to tell the truth and let people know what this vaccine did to change Pete’s life forever.  Help us help Pete and others who have been forever changed by because of [sic] the COVID shots.”

Kristin René

39-year-old Kristin René was “all for” getting the vaccine when it was rolled out. So, on March 24, 2021, she received her first and only Moderna dose.

Immediately after, she broke out in hives over 70% of her body. This lasted several weeks. She developed vision changes and tinnitus and her eyes were swollen shut for six days. Her blood pressure shot up and she was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), which is when the body repeatedly exhibits allergic symptoms.

She developed heart complications and was fitted with a heart monitor. She was prescribed heart medications. 

Kristin still suffers from tingling, twitching and an extreme burning sensation all over her body and brain. She has fatigue, headaches and joint pain.

The single mother of two says she is no longer able to work as much and her medical bills are piling high.

“I have prayed about this and God said He will provide and heal. I am a single mom with very little family and I don't have any other resources I can tap into. All of them are exhausted. Please pray for me. I have become depressed over this. I have been so isolated,” says Kristin.

“I am desperate for healing. This has been a very humbling experience for me.”

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