Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 11)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.     

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.     

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Brenden Joyce 

47-year-old Brenden Joyce suffered throughout the pandemic. He was laid off. His father died from COVID-19. When he returned to work a year later, Brenden was told he would need to get the COVID injections to keep his job.  

On September 25, 2021, Brenden got his second Moderna shot. 

At first, the headaches were just headaches. But over the next few weeks, they progressively worsened until October 19, when Brenden felt his headache move to his left eye and he developed double vision. While waiting in the emergency room, he lost sight in his left eye completely. 

A few days later, Brenden consulted with an eye doctor who told him that if he didn’t get to an emergency room immediately, he would die. 

Brenden was admitted to the hospital for 11 days while doctors ran a plethora of tests and concluded he would regain his vision after being on steroids. 

A few days later, an ophthalmologist confirmed to Brenden the sight in his left eye had been permanently lost and that the vaccine was the cause. 

Brenden was a commercial driver for the Department of Transportation. 

“I have become a liability to my employer,” says Brenden. “This is a permanent and lifetime disability. My life as I knew it has changed forever. I have applied for the [Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program (CICP)] government program, but that is not going anywhere.” 

Indeed, some refer to the CICP vaccine compensation program as a “black hole,” as reported by America’s Frontline News. 

“I am at a financial loss from this vaccine,” added Brenden. “My career as a driver is over, and my potential earrings are no longer what they would be. I did my part to keep my family, friends and strangers safe, and it cost me my vision.” 

Lauren Elizabeth 

33-year-old Lauren Elizabeth took her first COVID-19 injection from Pfizer in May 2021, shortly after returning to work from maternity leave. In July, she took a Moderna shot.  

“Then on August 9, 2021, I went swimming, put the kids to bed, had a shower and then noticed that my feet had pins and needles,” recalls Lauren. “Over the next hour the pins went all the way up to my stomach. I had bad back pain and tried stretching but was starting to feel weak in my right leg." 

She asked her husband to help her to the bathroom but found she was unable to urinate. 

“That’s when we knew something was very wrong.” 

Within four hours, Lauren was paralyzed from the waist down with a neurogenic bladder and bowel. Over the next six weeks in the hospital, Lauren went through many tests, after which she was placed on high-dose steroids and received a plasma exchange. 

The mother of two can walk now, but struggles with her gait, tone and neuropathy. She tires easily. She still cannot work. 

“I still have a long road ahead, but I feel like I’ve already run a lot of my marathon,” she says. 

“Most doctors ignored my question as to whether this was caused by the vaccine,” Lauren adds. “I was a perfectly healthy, 33-year-old mom at the time, with no medical history. My official diagnosis is idiopthic acute longitudinal acute extensive transverse myelitis, and I believe it was instigated by the Moderna vaccine.” 

Leslie Baughmann 

42-year-old Leslie Baughmann got her second Pfizer injection in February 2021 to protect her mother, who had been diagnosed with a rare lung disease.  

“I felt no reaction after my first shot, but within a few hours of my second shot, I felt like absolute death,” says Leslie. 

She came down with a fever of 104 and severe body aches and was unable to hold her head up. She was unable to work the next day. 

After the fever eventually passed, other adverse events gradually developed. 

A few weeks later, Leslie experienced her first bout of vertigo and hasn’t recovered since. 

“So now, a full 20 months later I still have vertigo along with: general light headedness 24/7, pain in the back of my head/base of my skull 24/7, feeling like I have a bobble head and constantly need support to hold my head up, fatigue so bad I struggle to get out of bed let alone do anything active.” 

Leslie now struggles to perform basic tasks such as cooking meals and showering. The whole ordeal has added on anxiety. 

“I am literally a shell of the person I used to be.” 

“If you are worried about COVID, take care of yourself and get yourself in good health,” Leslie added.  “Maybe avoid huge crowds, if it’s a bad part of the season and cases are large.  But please please do not get this vaccine.  Maybe there will come a day in the future where changes are made and it is safer, but it is not safe for everyone right now. 

“I would have rather lost my life to COVID than to have to live through the personal hell I’m going through from having gotten the vaccine.” 

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