Trudeau goes full tyrant, gov’t blames truckers for ‘making us all poor’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau awarded himself new powers on Monday by invoking the Emergencies Act, a law which has never been used in the country’s history. The Prime Minister took this action to quash the anti-mandate protests currently sweeping Canada and entering their third straight week. 

Of the four types of emergencies listed within the Act, Trudeau has deemed the anti-mandate protests a “public order emergency”, which affords him such powers as the power to prohibit gatherings, to requisition or regulate private resources or services, to allow law enforcement to find and/or imprison protestors, and to regulate or prohibit travel. 

Trudeau, who had dismissed the protestors as a “fringe minority”, announced the reason for employing the Act in a press conference yesterday. 

“After discussing with cabinet and caucus, after consultation with premiers from all provinces and territories, the federal government has invoked the Emergencies Act to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockades and occupations,” said Trudeau. 

However, the prime minister has shown interest in invoking the Emergencies Act before, and it had nothing to do with blockades or occupations.

On April 9, 2020, the state-funded CBC reported that Trudeau was already laying the groundwork to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the pandemic by consulting with the provincial premiers, a pre-requisite to employing the Act. 

The prime minister said yesterday that the government will now prohibit financial institutions from distributing the truckers’ funds. Canadian Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland clarified that this includes crowdfunding platforms. 

 “These changes cover all forms of transactions,” Freeland said. “The illegal blockades have highlighted the fact that crowdfunding platforms and some of the payment service providers they use are not fully captured under the proceeds of the Crime and Terrorist Financing Act.” 

Freeland took it even further by saying that the government will take away the truckers’ insurance and blamed the truckers for “making us all poor".

“This is about following the money...”  continued Freeland. “The insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. Send your semi-trailers home. The Canadian economy needs them to be doing legitimate work, not to be illegally making us all poor.” 

So far, four provinces have expressed their concerns to Trudeau’s latest move, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. 

For their part, the protestors remain defiant. As one protestor told The Daily Wire, power grabs like Trudeau’s are the reason they’re there. 

“They’ve already been doing these ‘emergency powers’ and all it does is make people dig their heels in more,” said protest organizer Dave Paisley. “The irony … is that these very powers and threats are why we are here.” 

“[The Trudeau government] underestimated the determination and the intelligence of those here, and so everyone still here on the ground, they’re basically willing to give their lives for this – peacefully of course,” Paisley added.