The power the people are taking back — from the WHO

Can the many overcome the WHO?

Many feel discouraged and hopeless watching the globalists and elitists of the WHO, WEF, UN, and other entities seemingly having their way with the world's citizens. The International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments and the WHO pandemic treaty which the WHO is anxious to have approved by any means are alarming freedom oriented people throughout the globe.

They raise the specter of living in a perpetual state of pre-pandemics, pandemics, and inter-pandemic times, as the WHO expects international virus detectives to ferret out new ones continuously.

Can the 99% push back against those who would take away freedom and sovereignty to gather more power for themselves under the pretext of “world health?” 

The answer might very well be YES and it is with that expectation that citizens from many countries have been organizing to sound the alarm for their fellow human beings and elected representatives. 

Following are heartening, educational, and informative videos documenting the activities of people fighting back against what could otherwise become a global dictatorship.

The Sovereignty Coalition

The Sovereignty Coalition was established by public policy-minded leaders, organizations, and individuals “who share a profound commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the God-given freedoms it guarantees.” A “joint project of the Center for Security Policy and Women’s Rights Without Frontiers,” the Coalition was formed to “protect these foundations of our Republic by defending our national sovereignty against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

The Sovereignty Coalition held the Sovereignty Summit in Washington DC just days before the 77th World Health Assembly conference to push through the IHR amendments/Pandemic treaty.

According to its press release, it was organized to demonstrate the growing international opposition to the WHO's stealth attempt at global tyranny.

The Sovereignty Coalition is pleased to announce its convening of “The Sovereignty Summit” to demonstrate the growing international opposition to the impending, stealthy effort to supplant national sovereignty with tyrannical “global governance.” On Thursday, May 23rd, the Coalition, with the indispensable help and participation of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, will bring together leading American and foreign legislators determined to prevent the approval at next week’s meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) of either, or both, of what amount to two as-yet-unfinished treaties that would make the World Health Organization’s Director General a global dictator for public health. 

Among the speakers at the summit was NJ Congressman Chris Smith (@ about 12:40): 

I have been in Congress for 44 years. I have never seen such an effort to have a power transfer to unelected bureaucrats, that is to say, the W.H.O. and Tedros. I have known Tedros for about 30 years including when he was the head of the health for Ethiopia. At that time he had covered up some of the cholera outbreaks on behalf of Meles who was then the dictator of that country. So there are many many concerns about him. . . .


The Road to Geneva 

We are the change rally

This rally took place on June 1st, the final day of the World Health Assembly, for people to come together and publicly voice their opposition to the WHO's IHR changes amendments and pandemic treaty.

Billed as “A Road Trip with a Mission,” the website explains its purpose is to form “a convoy to Geneva where we will gather on Saturday 1st June to declare our freedom, independence and right to self-determine our own future!”

The HighWire video below shows some of the speakers featured at the rally:



Watch the full rally here:


International lawyers' press conference

Lawyers from around the globe have carefully looked at the IHR and pandemic treaty as well as the proceedings of the Assembly and the dangers they present. They held a press conference to create greater awareness of the critical issues being discussed at the Assembly, but not sufficiently reported, as Swiss Attorney Philipp Kruse stated at the beginning of the conference. 

The purpose of this press conference is to provide you with a first critical analysis from the legal and constitutional perspective of what has been concluded or not concluded by the 77th World Health Assembly. This whole topic is widely underreported and not sufficiently understood. Therefore, we as the lawyers, we feel it is our obligation to inform the world and the people and also the representatives from the different countries with respect to the far-reaching effects that these two new legal instruments will have. 



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