Rutgers student barred from online classes due to unvaccinated status

We now have remote learning, remote working, remote viewing. How about remote contracting? Can COVID-19 be transmitted over the internet?Either Rutgers University fears that might be the case, or it just wants to push vaccines for some reason it isn’t revealing. Either way, 22-year-old Logan Hollar has been barred from taking online classes at Rutgers, because he has declined to be vaccinated.Hollar told that he paid little attention to Rutger’s COVID mandate, “because all my classes were remote.” He lives 70 miles away from campus. But he was locked out of his Rutgers email and other accounts when he went to pay tuition for the coming semester and was told that if he wanted to continue with his studies, he would have to be vaccinated.He applied for an exemption but was cautioned that it could take weeks to get a response, meaning that he will miss the start of classes. “I’ll probably have to transfer to a different university,” he said, adding that he knows of at least one other student with the same dilemma.Hollar’s stepfather – who is vaccinated – pointed out that his stepson “chose to remove himself from an on-campus experience so he would not need to be vaccinated.”To no avail.