Rabbi reveals how he snuck HCQ despite hospital refusal

Rabbi Assaf Portal, a resident of the Golders Green community in the United Kingdom, recently revealed to AFLDS Frontline News how he secretly obtained hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in a UK hospital. 

It was in March 2020 when the 41-year-old rabbi became bedridden with COVID-19. He developed a fever followed by extreme weakness. 

“After a week, my breathing became problematic,” says Portal. He called Hatzalah, a medical emergency service, who rushed to his home. After assessing Portal, the Hatzalah EMTs told him he needed to be admitted to the hospital immediately. When Portal refused, the EMTs explained to him plainly that if he didn't go to the hospital, he would likely die. 

Portal agreed to be taken in an ambulance to Royal Free Hospital, where he waited 12 hours for a bed and was declared a COVID-19 patient. 

“They didn’t have COVID tests in those days,” recalls Portal. “They just presumed that you have corona.” 

The hospital gave Portal intravenous antibiotics, as well as antibiotic tablets. 

Two days later, Portal’s temperature went down, but he was still extremely weak and experiencing breathing complications. The hospital hooked him up to a tank of 5 liters of oxygen, but he still could barely move. 

“To take five or six steps took me like 20 minutes,” Portal remembers. 

Portal also lost nine kilos within a week and was told by the doctors that if his condition did not improve soon, he would need to be admitted to the ICU. 

The rabbi's brother-in-law suggested that he take zinc and hydroxychloroquine together with antibiotics to cure his illness. But the hospital refused to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. 

Hydroxychloroquine is used by many physicians around the world to cure early-stage COVID-19 and recommended by top medical experts. Awareness about HCQ was generated after former President Trump suggested it can cure COVID-19 and after America’s Frontline Doctors urged the medical community to prescribe the drug for early COVID-19. However, the mainstream media and medical establishment inexplicably waged war on the drug, and instead pushed a narrative that HCQ is harmful. 

When he was refused HCQ by the hospital, Portal took matters into his own hands. The rabbi had his brother-in-law slip him HCQ and zinc hidden in a tissue box, with the pills placed in between the tissues. 

“Everything changed overnight,” says Portal. 

His condition improved rapidly and he was released from the hospital without being admitted to the ICU. 

Portal expressed gratitude that he was rescued. 

“This world is a dangerous world,” he said. “We must be grateful to G-d for every breath.”