Project Veritas captures electioneering in Pennsylvania on hidden camera

Guerilla journalism group Project Veritas Action (PVA) Wednesday released hidden camera footage of Democratic operatives electioneering outside a polling place in Pennsylvania. 

Electioneering, or actively campaigning for any one party or candidate, is illegal within ten feet of the polling place. This includes trying to persuade voters to vote for a certain party or candidate or posting campaign materials, signs, banners or literature. 

But PVA’s footage shows a polling place in Philadelphia riddled with signs and literature promoting Democrats John Fetterman and Josh Shapiro while individuals stand directly by the door handing pro-Democrat literature to whoever walks in. 

One man, identified as Rudy Stewart, handed the PVA undercover journalist a Democratic Party form, which was titled “Official Democratic City Committee Ballot” and listed all Philadelphia County Democratic candidates on the ballot. 

Stewart, who calls himself a “community person,” then urges the journalist to vote “for Democrats, for the common man.”  

“So you’re telling me I should vote John Fetterman, I should vote Joshua Shapiro?” the journalist asks. 

“If you vote Democrat, all of them are the Democratics, they only got one against one,” answers Stewart, who said they stand “for poor people, and these [Republican candidates] I would say more for people with money.” 

Stewart interrupts the conversation to hand out Democratic literature to voters. "Anyone need Democratic Party information?" Stewart can be seen asking passersby. 

Later, Stewart cautions the journalist against voting for Republican Senate challenger Dr. Mehmet Oz. 

“We’re scared of him,” says Stewart, saying he’s also “scared” of Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano. 

“So don’t vote for them?” asks the journalist. 

“Yes,” Stewart answers. "These guys are scary.” 

Stewart was joined outside the polling center door by James Harrison, who also identified himself as a “community worker.” 

Both Fetterman and Shapiro were declared the winners of their races, though Fetterman, who is only sometimes coherent after suffering a debilitating stroke last year, shocked both sides of the political aisle with his victory.