WATCH: Pediatric nurse breaks down describing termination from vaccine mandate

A former pediatric nurse last week broke down in sobs during an emotional recount of her termination from Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego because she refused to take the COVID-19 injections. The mandate was instituted by San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, who is also a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Human Rights. 

Registered Nurse Tawny Buettner, who specializes in pediatric critical care, organized a protest in August 2021 over the vaccine mandate, saying, "We’ve been taking care of patients the past 18 months whether there was a vaccine or not and we've done it safely and will continue to do it safely.” 

Buettner was removed from bedside care on October 1, 2021, and terminated on March 1, 2022. 

Last week, Buettner confronted Fletcher in a public comment at the San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday. 

“I’m a nurse, or at least I was, at Rady Children’s, at the cardiovascular intensive care unit,” began Buettner in the emotionally charged speech. “Until Nathan and his misinformation pandemic caused me to lose my job.” 

In August 2021, Fletcher proudly declared “health misinformation” to be a “public health crisis" and “the greatest threat to public health," also blaming the “unvaccinated” for being a burden on society.

Buettner also accused the hospital of covering up cases of vaccine-induced myocarditis in children by not reporting them to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). 

“I took care of those children who came in with myocarditis after the vaccine. And I talked to the doctors because I was a charge nurse, and I said, ‘Why aren’t we reporting these to VAERS? Who is going to report these to VAERS?’ It was an unspoken thing that we weren’t allowed to talk about in the unit.” 

“I’ve worked for 13 years in this community taking care of some of the sickest patients,” she began to cry in earnest. “The day before I was taken away from my position I was actively giving compressions to a child, pushing epi, pushing calcium into his veins to keep him alive. And we did. And he went home. And yet, I was ridiculed by those who were supposed to be my colleagues and my friends.” 

Buettner noted that she stayed safe by wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and testing regularly, though she never caught COVID from her patients. 

“I am the face of your misinformation campaign, Nathan. I am the one who lost her career in pediatric cardiovascular ICU care. I took care of children who had COVID. I never got COVID in the hospital. I tested twice a week. I wore my PPE because I loved my job and I loved this community.” 

Tawny Buettner could not be reached for comment.