Over-60s under attack

People over age 60 are in an age group that strangely appears to be the focus of the world’s largest institutions and establishments, and it is unclear why. 

On Saturday, there was a media blitzkrieg announcing that over-60s are bad for the environment. 

“People over 60 account for a third of greenhouse gas emissions,” ran a headline from The Hill. 

“Boomers responsible for nearly one third of greenhouse gas emissions, study suggests,” said The Independent. 

“Bad news for baby boomers: People over 60 are now the 'greenhouse gas bad guys' and are responsible for a THIRD of global emissions, study finds,” warned the Daily Mail. 

Being a threat to the climate change agenda is not as innocuous as it once was. After all, climate change has its very own federal commissar in the form of John Kerry. Investors now consider a corporation’s approach to the environment before investing, in an investment model called Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing. The mainstream media have admitted that they will be pushing a climate change agenda. 

In addition to the media establishment, global institutions have espoused climate change as a global threat. 

One of those institutions is the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

While the WEF has always pushed an environmental agenda, its Global Risks 2022 report published in January lists the top three global risks as climate action failure, extreme weather and biodiversity loss. 

Climate change even topped COVID-19 and societal issues as the most menacing threat. 

“Climate action failure is also considered the most critical threat to the world in both the medium term (2-5 years) and long term (5-10 years), with the highest potential to severely damage societies, economies and the planet,” reads the report. 

The World Economic Forum has chosen a partner in its environmental agenda, which happens to be the Boomer generation’s polar opposite: Generation Z. 

“Gen Z cares about sustainability more than anyone else – and is starting to make others feel the same,” says the WEF. “Generation Z shows the most concern for the planet’s well-being and influences others to make sustainability-first buying decisions, according to new research.” 

According to the graphs shown in the article, Boomers are the least “sustainable”. 

Perhaps it is no surprise, then, that the WEF appears to take a dim view of the over-60 population. 

In one article, titled “Retirees will outlive their savings by a decade,” the WEF writes that the older generation is “unsustainable”. 

“Our aging population has placed unsustainable pressure on government and employer-sponsored pension systems, leading to a growing trend for individuals to take responsibility for financing their own retirement. But savings have failed to keep pace with the decline in traditional pension plans, leading to the current retirement savings deficit,” reads the article. 

The WEF also put out a video about the brain beginning to slow down at age 60. 

As if that weren’t enough, over-60s also find themselves the target of a relentless vaccination campaign by governments. Countries around the world have been aggressively pushing over-60s to get the COVID-19 shot.  

Israel’s government, notoriously experimental when it comes to vaccinating its population, was the first to begin jabbing its over-60 population with the fourth shot. 

In Greece, those who are over age 60 will be fined if they are not vaccinated, and Germany’s health minister has just called for a fourth shot for over-60s. 

Of course, it is entirely possible that the media, global institutions, and world governments have unrelated agendas for the Boomer generation. 

It is possible.