Our revolution is a phase of world revolution: it is not limited to reconquering Palestine'

The Iranian regime refers to the United States as the Great Satan, a phrase coined by revolution leader Ruhollah Khomeini the day after his followers took 52 Americans hostage. An official banner was placed outside the Foreign Ministry in Tehran stating simply, “America is the Great Satan.”

Americans have not returned from a 2,000 year exile to reclaim real estate within the Arab or Muslim world. Yet, the leader of the free world finds itself in the bullseye of murderous Middle East regimes half a world away.

Enemy #1

In fact, the returnees to the Land of Israel only merit the phrase, "Little Satan," while Khomeini not only reserved “Great Satan” for the U.S. but also referred to the leader of the free world as "Iblis," the name of the main demon of Islam. His successor, Ali Khamenei, in a 2017 televised speech, clarified that America, not Israel, continues to be Enemy Number 1 saying, “America is the number one enemy of our nation.”

PLO founders Yasser Arafat and George Habash likewise declared the U.S. to be their “ultimate enemy”:

Arafat . . . has declared the United States, not Israel, to be the PLO’s ultimate enemy. George Habash likewise revealed in a 1972 interview that “our enemy is not just Israel, period." [Emphases added].

If America's enemy status were merely the result of supporting the existence of Israel, the enemy rankings would be reversed. What then is it about the U.S. that makes it incompatible with Iranian and PLO plans?

Global Revolution

Despite media coverage depicting the Israel-Arab conflict as a local fight for autonomy by Arabs in the post-1967 borders of Israel, PLO founders have been quite open about the fact that Israel is but one part of their plans for worldwide revolutions. PLO leader Habash revealed just that in statements quoted in Claire Sterling's The Terror Network:

We must recognize that our revolution is a phase of world revolution: it is not limited to reconquering Palestine. 

To be honest, what we want is a war like Vietnam’s. We want another Vietnam, and not just in Palestine but throughout the Arab world. . .

Palestine has joined the European Revolution; we have forged organic links with the revolution of the whole world.  [Emphases added].

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had a raison d'être even in 1964, when it was established, even though Gaza was fully controlled by Egypt and the West Bank by Jordan at that time. The so called “occupied territories” were occupied by Arab nations, not Israel. 

The plan was to liberate not Gaza City or Ramallah but Tel Aviv, in a revolution. The question remains, though, just what kind of revolutions were envisioned for Israel and other nations and why were they planned to cover the globe?


Lest one get the impression that the prospective revolutions are akin to the American revolution throwing off the yoke of tyranny to bring greater freedom to the populace, consider Habash's not coincidental example of Vietnam as the prototype for revolution. A totalitarian communist dictatorship came out of that revolution. The PLO's communist ties, in fact, run deep:

From the beginning, the PLO has been a thoroughly Communist organization under the direct control of the Soviet KGB. 

Among its founding leaders was Ahmed Jibril, a Syrian army officer who founded the Palestinian Liberation Front in the 1950s. A self-proclaimed Marxist, Jibril was recruited into the KGB, trained in the Soviet Union, and supported by East Germany and Bulgaria as his group carried out bombings of airplanes, schoolbuses, and other Israeli targets. The PLO was organized around Jibril’s group, and today he continues his terrorist attacks as head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command, one of the several groups under the PLO umbrella.

George Habash, another PLO founder, is an open Marxist-Leninist who started the Arab Nationalist Movement in the 1950s that imposed a Communist regime in South Yemen. Supported by the Communist governments of Cuba, North Vietnam, and China, Habash has since founded the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, another PLO group.

Abu Iyad also helped found the PLO, and has headed its Intelligence and Security Apparatus, making him the number two man in the organization. He has publicly admitted his allegiance to the teachings of Chinese dictator Mao Zedong and other leading Communists.

But the most famous PLO figure is its leader, Yasir Arafat. As a student at Cairo University in 1952, he became head of the General Union of Palestine Students, and in 1956 represented that leftist organization at the Communist World Festival of Youth, held in Czechoslovakia. Arafat has studied the works of Mao Zedong and Che Guevara, and when he visits Moscow he meets with top Soviet Communists. [Emphases added].

Friendly Iran

report on pre-revolution Iran described a government 180 degrees different from the Iranian leaders of today:

Long regarded as a U.S. ally, the Shah [king of Iran] was pro-Western and anti-communist, and he was aware that he posed the main barrier to Soviet ambitions in the Middle East.  

Iran, under the shah, also enjoyed a warm relationship with Israel:

A voice for stability within the Middle East itself, [the Shah] favored peace with Israel and supplied the beleaguered state with oil.

The Shah even honored Israeli businessman with invitations to his palace, telling one, “Here, in this room, there is no Islam.” 

Red Iran

The Shah's strong stance against communism made him the prime target of the Marxist PLO:

The PLO has become a new vehicle for supporting Communist revolutions almost anywhere. The so-called “Islamic” revolution of the Ayatollah Khomeini, for example, was organized by KGB agents and the Communist [Tudeh] Party in Iran. It was also backed by the PLO, which conducted terrorist attacks against Iran, trained Khomeini’s followers in military and terror tactics, and provided a steady supply of guns. Since coming to power, Khomeini’s regime has been armed by the Soviet Union and Communist China. 

Khomeini's brother was even a member of the Communist Tudeh Party of Iran and his close advisor, Sadegh Ghothzadeh, was an affiliate of the French and Italian Communist Parties.

Red revolutions

Nicaragua and South Africa are some of the other nations in which PLO backed revolutionaries came to power and stomped on individual freedoms:

Having delivered Iran to the Communists, the PLO announced that it would next turn its attention to Turkey. For years, the PLO had already been training and arming terrorists of the Turkish People’s Liberation Army, creating anarchy in that nation. In 1980, PLO terrorists infiltrated Turkey, disguised themselves as Armenian and Kurdish people, and founded the Armenian Secret Army of Liberation and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. These Communist groups are now stepping up the revolution in Turkey. 

The PLO has also helped the Communist takeovers in Lebanon, Nicaragua, and Angola, and has carried out or supported similar revolutions against Jordan, El Salvador, South Africa, and many other nations of Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. [Emphases added].

Pink Hamas

Hamas was created in 1987 as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and has been funded by Soviet-backed Iran while proclaiming its close connection with the Marxist PLO in its charter. The two organizations remain so intertwined that tens of thousands of Gazan civil servants are actually on the PLO payroll, according to The Economist:

Some 70,000 Gazans remain on the payroll of the [PLO subsidiary] Palestinian Authority (PA), even though its officials who run the West Bank were kicked out of Gaza by Hamas in 2007, and none of them actually goes to work. Qatar deposits cash—some $10m a month—into the bank accounts of thousands more locals. The PA pays Gaza’s electricity bills . . .

The Economist does not explain why the PLO pays 70,000 Gazans if they aren't doing work for the Hamas regime. Additionally, the electricity provided by the PLO can then be sold by Hamas to fund their operations. And there is evidence of the PLO directly funding Hamas as well as joint activities between the two, even as they play out a “good cop/bad cop” strategy:

Islamic Jihad and Hamas, products of the “Islamic Marxist” movement, angrily condemn the peace meetings. The “good cop/bad cop” strategy was spelled out by a PLO official: 

“[Hamas says] all of Palestine is ours, and we want to liberate it from the river to the sea in one blow. But… the PLO feels that a Phased Plan must be pursued. Both sides agree on the final objective.” 

Both sides also cooperate closely. The PLO has funded Hamas, for example, and some terror squads in the West Bank and Gaza are operated jointly by the PLO’s Fatah with Islamic Jihad and Hamas.  [Emphases added].

The closeness of Hamas and the Marxist-Lenninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), one of several groups forming the PLO Council, can be seen in a video of the two groups together.

The New American describes the extent of backing for Hamas from supposedly “former” communists (see below):

Syria and Iran are scorned in much of the Western world for supporting terrorism, but neither one is the puppeteer directing the worldwide terror network — Russia is.

Evidence for the existence of an ongoing Soviet/Russian strategic plan to foment and use Islamic extremism is very extensive and goes far to explain the inordinate hatred of Muslim fundamentalists for America and the West. 

Not only is al-Qaeda aligned with the Kremlin, so are the other major ‘Islamist’ terror groups including PLO/al-Fatah, Hamas, and Hezbollah. Of course, none of those groups would amount to much if not for the immense assistance they receive from Iran and Syria, regimes that were primary client-state terror sponsors for the Soviets and continue in that role for Russia under Putin. . . . 

Who else is siding with Russian Communists, the historical paymasters of terror?

Black Lives Matter, dozens of leftist student groups in Harvard, and the Democratic Socialists who held a rally in support of Hamas in New York City. Many other cities also hosted rallies attended by leftists.

End Game

In its role as the “bad cop,” pressuring Israel to fund and arm the PLO as the “good cop,” Hamas is more focused on the destruction of Israel and less on international revolutionary activity than the PLO. If successful in Israel, though, Hamas can be counted on by their funders and partners in the PLO to join in additional revolutions in fulfillment of the PLO founder's vision: “[O]ur revolution is a phase of world revolution: it is not limited to reconquering Palestine.”

The New American notes Hamas, like the PLO and Iran, also does not plan on halting their revolutionary efforts at the borders of Israel, seeking instead to overthrow all Western governments.

To Hamas the liberation of Palestine is part of the greater struggle of Islam against the Christian West, and particularly against Western ideology. “Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.”

This would bring Hamas' “abductions, torture and extra-judicial killings” of Arabs and the PLO's executions of more than a thousand Arabs to the rest of the Middle East and beyond. While these revolutions threaten to spread, there is one place where violent revolution is not planned. 

Co-Founder of the John Birch Society Robert Welch explained the globalist strategy for taking down what is today referred to as the “Great Satan” in his “Blue Book” for anti-communist activists with a paraphrase of Vladimir Lenin's global plans (though often misstated as a direct quote):"

Lenin died in 1924. But before he died he had laid down for his followers the strategy for this conquest. It was, we should readily admit, brilliant, farseeing, realistic, and majestically simple. It has been paraphrased and summarized as follows,

"First, we will take Eastern Europe. Next, the masses of Asia. Then we shall encircle that last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. We shall not have to attack; it will fall like overripe fruit into our hands." (p. 14).

The highest ranking KGB agent to ever defect, Anatoliy Golitsyn, wrote a book to warn the West that these plans are still in effect and not to take as genuine a planned perestroika,  pointing out that the telltale sign of the fake liberalization would be that “former communist officials were fully rehabilitated,” i.e., were given high level positions despite their communist pasts.

Today, “78 percent of the Russian elite” are what are known in Russia as “siloviki” - former members of the KGB or its domestic successor, the FSB, including President Vladimir Putin himself.

Thus, revolutions, known by their Orwellian name as ”wars of national liberation," continue to spread Marxism well after the alleged funeral of communism. And a regional “super government” in North and South America is still pushed as the non-violent way to strip America of sovereignty, and then of capitalism and freedom, on the way to a socialist one-world government.

The way out - ignore the neo-cons

American taxpayers are funding these Marxist and Marxist-aligned groups, with borrowed money that must be paid back with interest, to the tune of billions of dollars each year. For a proper foreign policy, though, the US need not send even one soldier to the Middle East, as neo-cons would like despite the failure of neo-con backed wars, nor even involve itself politically. Prudence requires only keeping taxpayer dollars at home. 

Israelis can then pressure their leaders to also stop supporting its enemies, cutting off the suicidal flow of land, money and weapons to the PLO and Hamas, weakening them both till they no longer pose a threat. If US foreign aid to Israel is also terminated, the Israeli deep state will lose its excuse of American pressure to support the enemies of the West. In an interview with The New American, former Knesset Deputy Speaker Moshe Feiglin said just that:

Feiglin: I’m totally against this [U.S. foreign] aid [to Israel]. It cannot be when, first of all, the Americans are standing in line like two or three miles in the snow to get a job. . . . But it’s much more than that. This aid is not in our favor, not economically, not militarily, not in any way. This aid serves psychological purposes, not anything else. We are talking about 1.5 percent of our income, of what Israel is producing — we can definitely deal without it.

TNA: A former GOP presidential candidate, Ron Paul, argued that the U.S. government is actually using this foreign aid to obtain leverage over the Israeli government when Israel should be thinking about its own interests rather than what Washington thinks. What do you think?

Feiglin: I 100 percent agree. [Emphases added].

Check back as we cover the dangers of “super states” and the seven steps of ”wars of national liberation" and see our additional coverage of the globalists' wars:

  1. Globalists cremate care for Gaza refugees
  2. How one defector got it right
  3. 100 years of fake communist collapses
  4. Did the Soviet Union fake its own funeral?
  5. 'Victory means total destruction, occupation, expulsion, and settlement' - Former Knesset Deputy Speaker
  6. Israel: Pressure builds for total victory while leaders stall - analysis
  7. 'Don't starve; you can release kidnapped children and surrender anytime' - former US Naval Officer
  8. 8 ways Bibi betrayed the Jewish nation - analysis
  9. State Department pressing allies to concede to Marxist revolutionaries
  10. Israel's chief justice approves confession extracted under torture, denies appeal
  11. Friends of Israel concerned over ruling allowing confessions extracted under torture
  12. US refuses to support Iranian protestors
  13. ‘Everybody Knows: Corruption in America’ and around the world
  14. Israel vs Israelis
  15. Biden sides with socialists; pressures Israel to protect activist judges