Network that mocked Trump over Hunter Biden scandal now admits truth

CBS News, which mocked Trump in a 2020 interview for believing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was true, has now verified its veracity over two years later. 

The news network’s admission, which it announced Monday, comes 769 days after the story was first published by the New York Post during the heated presidential election. 

In October 2020, CBS News 60 Minutes anchor Leslie Stahl sparred with Trump about the bombshell report, saying it was “discredited” and “can't be verified.” 

Stahl first mocked the report by saying that “some repair shop found it” and that “the source is Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani,” then chided Trump for “making this one of the hottest, most important issues.” 

“It’s a very important issue to find out whether or not a man is corrupt, who’s running for president,” countered Trump. “Who’s accepted money from China, and from Ukraine, and from Russia. Yeah, I think that’s an important issue.” 

“All these things have been investigated and discredited,” claimed Stahl confidently. 

“It’s incredible the way you can try and say this and sit there and look me in the eye and say it. He accepted money, his family, from Russia, from Ukraine, from China and from other places. His brother who didn’t have experience became a big builder in Iraq, without experience. Take a look at what’s going on, Lesley. And then you say that shouldn’t be discussed? It’s the biggest scandal out there, Lesley." 

“And you think it’s the biggest issue to campaign on?” 

“I think it’s one of the biggest scandals I’ve ever seen, and you don’t cover it. You want to talk about-” 

“Well, because it can’t be verified,” Stahl interrupted. 

“Of course it can be verified. Excuse me, they found a laptop. Lesley, listen-” Trump responded. 

“It can’t be verified.” 

“What can’t be verified?” 

“The laptop.” 

“Why do you say that? Even the family hasn’t… The family on the laptop… He’s gone into hiding for five days, he’s gone into hiding.” 

Immediately after the Hunter Biden scandal broke, mainstream media outlets, Democratic leadership and social media companies colluded to censor the story. Fact-checking sites swore the story was false. A statement signed by 51 former intelligence officers falsely claiming that the story was Russian disinformation was even published by left-wing Politico to further the claim. However, none of the signatories were able to cite any data or evidence to support it, nor have they apologized since. 

Facebook and Twitter banned the story from being shared on their platforms. When Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s top executive who made the call to censor the story in 2020, was fired recently by Elon Musk, CBS mourned the departure of the “the head of Twitter’s free speech stance.” 

Now, just after the midterm elections, CBS has announced it “verified” the Hunter Biden story through an independent forensic review, even though most mainstream media outlets already admitted its veracity back in March. 

Even now, Google is desperately trying to cover for the Bidens. A Google search for “New York Post Hunter Biden story” immediately pulls up a featured snippet Google chose from Wikipedia calling the first line of the story “misleading.” 

“In its opening sentence, the New York Post story misleadingly asserted ‘the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating’ Burisma, despite the fact that Shokin had not pursued an investigation into Burisma's founder,” reads the snippet Google placed atop the search results.