Medical Kidnapping: How even ideal parents lose their children

Frontline News covered the sudden seizure of an underweight baby in, “Medical Kidnapping? Breast milk-dependent infant deteriorates in state custody", Idaho’s release of the baby in “Baby Cyrus returned to parents after Frontline News inquiry to CPS" and provided a legal analysis in “Medical Kidnapping; Legal Analysis of Baby Cyrus seizure".

Hard to believe?

Many of our readers were shocked by the Idaho Child Protective Services' (CPS) treatment of Baby Cyrus’s parents. That may be a good thing.

Most people cannot imagine removing a child from its parents and devastating a family without a legitimate reason. It may take a personal experience with CPS before an honest person comes to understand the level of corruption that may be involved and how it can lead to just such a result. Even then, they may assume that the corruption is limited to a certain case worker or department. This denial often extends even after hearing about the financial incentives involved - money which, if it stopped flowing to CPS, would mean employee layoffs.

Follow the money

With CPS agencies growing in size and power, The New American noted  back in 2014 that

“Every time CPS seizes a child, it gets money from the federal government.

“Lots of money.

“And critics have warned that this has a corruptive effect. As New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote in 2011:

‘[D]id you know that the money funneled to states and child protective services actually encourages them to accuse you of child abuse and even murder, and to take your children, even if you’re not guilty, and even though they have absolutely no proof that you harmed your child?

‘Horrendous as it sounds, it’s true: child abuse has become a business — an industry of sorts — that actually pays states to legally abduct your children and put them up for adoption!

“‘… Counties can bring in thousands of dollars in excess revenue for each child in foster care, Van Doorn said — which means they have more incentive to remove children from their families than to keep families intact. As such … our county government is a major factor in the dismantling of families and/or destruction of children’s lives,’ he said.”

Antifa supporting the police operation

In a strange twist, “Prominent Boise Idaho Antifa accounts have gone full-on “Back the Blue” in the ‘Baby Cyrus’ CPS scandal.”

Or is it not a twist, but rather an expression of the communist-linked group’s disdain for individual rights, medical freedom and freedom in general? The New American’s William Jasper reported on the rather public agenda of Antifa:

“‘When we fight, we fight for communism, and all our constructive and destructive activity is geared toward building our party, which will wage a protracted people’s war, establishing socialism and continuing the revolution under the rule of the working class.’

“So declares Red Guards Austin, the masked ‘Antifa’ thugs of Austin, Texas, who march about displaying the communist hammer & sickle symbol, and who also openly display banners emblazoned with images of Karl Marx and mass-murderers Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin.”