Mass Formation Nation - Opinion

by Sarah Feld

We are hearing increasingly about mass formation fortified by fear, loneliness, and confusion. 

It reminds me of the sixties. As the Beatles confirmed, “so many lonely people; where do they all come from? All the lonely people; where do they all belong?”  

Bob Dylan prophetically warned us:

Admit that the waters 
Around you have grown 
And accept it that soon 
You'll be drenched to the bone 
If your time to you is worth savin' 
Then you better start swimmin' 
Or you'll sink like a stone 
For the times they are a-changin'

In the decades since then, mindless, passive entertainment, junk food with negative nutrition, loose and careless lifestyles, and loathing of a normal night's sleep have kept countless people from grasping how much the waters around us indeed have grown. Clearly, a vast majority of the world did not grasp the magnitude of the tsunami-high changes we'd be forced to plunge into.

We are in the midst of a deviously orchestrated lockstep move using massive global hypnosis, in which people are fearful of living and afraid of dying. It's amazing how multitudes continue to follow orders no matter how illogical, unproven, and dangerous they are.  

But there's another path (with thanks to Bob Dylan):

And scientists, Doctors 

please heed the call. 

If you remain silent 

they may kill us all. 

It's your time to protest; 

for God's sake, stand tall.  

You know their deceptions. 

Stop repeating their lies.  

Speak now, save our children 

'fore more of them die. 

For the crimes, they are a ragin'.


Come mamas and papas 

in every land. 

It's time to reject 

these evil demands. 

These murderous mandates  

you must condemn. 

Do it for you, and do it for them!  

Your sons and your daughters  

want to live and not die. 

But alone they cannot  

untangle the lies. 

And the crimes, they are a ragin'.


The line it is drawn. 

and we must take a side. 

we have to be brave 

'though we're shaking inside. 

If we lose our freedom 

generations are lost. 

We've postponed this for decades- 

now must pay the cost. 

Be brave! 

'cause our world we are saving.         

Don't stand on the side 

Now!! Rise up! Don't comply! 

For the crimes, they are a' ragin

Clearly it's hard to step away from the raging masses. But this is our time. Truth and good are usually in the minority, and will win out. It's what we must do. We are not alone.  We are, with God's help, brave and unbreakable.