Major media outlets refuse to report Twitter-Biden collusion

Major mainstream media outlets such as The New York Times, CBS News, Washington Post and ABC News are refusing to report on “The Twitter Files”, a tranche of internal Twitter communications showing a censorship enterprise run by Twitter leadership and the Democratic Party. 

The Twitter Files were released by Elon Musk through journalist Matt Taibi on Friday afternoon. 

Communications showed that even before Biden occupied the White House and was just a presidential candidate, Twitter employees would promptly remove tweets or users sent to them by Biden’s team for removal. 

Taibbi says that in the earlier days of Twitter, the company was “slowly forced to add . . . tools for controlling speech [that] were designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters.” 

“Slowly, over time, Twitter staff and executives began to find more and more uses for these tools. Outsiders began petitioning the company to manipulate speech as well: first a little, then more often, then constantly,” Taibbi said. “By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: ‘More to review from the Biden team.’ The reply would come back: ‘Handled.’” 

Taibbi notes that the Trump administration had some access to these censorship tools, but given Twitter employees’ documented allegiance to the Democratic Party, “the system wasn’t balanced.”  

In May, a Twitter executive admitted to an undercover Project Veritas Action journalist that “we’re actually censoring the Right, not the Left.” Twitter Chief Engineer Siru Murugesan went on to suggest this is due to the Right remaining tolerant while those on the Left demand censorship.  

“So, everyone on the Right will be like, ‘bro, it’s okay to say it, just gotta tolerate it.’ The Left will be like, ‘No, I’m not gonna tolerate it. I need it censored or else I’m not gonna be on the platform.” 

The social media platform also censored the New York Post’s exposé on the Biden family’s corruption, which was published in the heat of the presidential election. Then-White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was suspended from Twitter for sharing the story. They also blocked the story being shared via direct message, previously a tool reserved for blocking child pornography.

Almost 50 percent of Biden voters knew nothing of the Hunter Biden scandal at the time of the election and about 16 percent said they would not have voted for Biden had they known, according to a survey from The Media Research Center.   

Twitter falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was hacked, which violates their “hacked materials” policy, despite Twitter having allowed a New York Times story on Trump’s hacked tax returns to be shared freely on the platform. 

“The decision was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a key role,” Taibbi continued. “‘They just freelanced it,’ is how one former employee characterized the decision. ‘Hacking was the excuse, but within a few hours, pretty much everyone realized that wasn’t going to hold. But no one had the guts to reverse it.’” 

The decision also involved former Twitter Head of Safety and Site Integrity Yoel Roth, who had publicly called Trump and his associates “actual Nazis”. 

Matt Taibbi further reveals that Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill reacted to Twitter’s decision by calling for more censorship and maintaining that "The First Amendment isn’t absolute.” 

CBS News’ omission of the story comes two weeks after the outlet finally admitted the Hunter Biden story was true over two years later.