Letters to Dr. Gold: Rachel Eisenberg

On July 26th, Dr. Gold entered federal prison, and has since been inundated with letters of encouragement, support and love from the thousands she has helped throughout the years.

The following is a very small fraction of those letters.

Dear Dr. Gold,

I have admired you ever since that first time you spoke on the Capitol steps and told us the truth about early treatment. I have learned in my life that horribly difficult trials are all part of the process.  

I lost an 18 year old daughter to small round cell desmoplastic sarcoma, and tomorrow would’ve been her 25th birthday. I am a Torah observant Jew. I know that Hashem has His reasons. Likewise He has His reasons for your incarceration, and there is a hidden good in it.  We are right before [the Ninth of Av] and I really feel that the world is at a turning point. [The Redemption] is coming any moment.  Stay strong and know how many people are pulling for you. When you get out (may it be immediate), you will do great things.  

Praying for you. Sending love and hugs.

Rachel Eisenberg

Staten Island, NY