Journalist who defied Trudeau beaten, shot with canister

A journalist from Rebel News was beaten by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s forces yesterday and shot in her leg with a gas canister.  

Alexa Lavoie, who has been reporting for Rebel News on the ground in Canada since the protests began last month, found herself the target of police officers sent to crack down on protests against Trudeau and his COVID-19 mandates. After the prime minister seized excessive power for himself last week, he has been outwardly hunting his political opponents, forbidding protests and seizing the funds of dissenters. 

As Alexa was reporting on a protest, police officers arrived on the scene. One policeman beat Alexa three times with a club and then shot a gas canister at her leg at point blank range, an incident which was caught on video. 

Trudeau appears to have a vendetta against Rebel News, one of the few news outlets in Canada that is not state-sponsored and remains critical of Trudeau.  

Last year, during the 2021 election debates, Trudeau publicly made his feelings about Rebel News clear. 

“The reality is, organizations – organizations like yours – that continue to spread misinformation and disinformation on the science around vaccines … is part of why we’re seeing such unfortunate anger and lack of understanding of basic science,” said Trudeau. “Frankly your – I won’t call it a media organization – your group of individuals need to take accountability for some of the polarization that we’re seeing in this country.” 

The next night, Alexa posed a public question to Trudeau. 

“Hello Mr. Trudeau, Alexa for Rebel News. I will remind you what happened last night, you demonized one of the few media outlets that are not state-sponsored. You have said that we are spreading misinformation. If that were the case, the federal court would not have sided with us that we can be here today.” 

Alexa was referring to a federal court ruling to allow Rebel News to cover the debates. The news outlet had been banned by the Leaders’ Debates Commission. 

“This is my question,” continued Alexa. “Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world. They are now at four boosters and the double vaccinated are not recognized as fully vaccinated. My question is, lots of Canadians don’t want another booster. Will you take away their vaccine passport privileges? Would you have the courtesy as prime minister to answer the question or will you demonize us again?” 

“I have made my opinion on your organization clear yesterday,” Trudeau responded. “And I will not be commenting on your question.” 

In December, another reporter from Rebel News named David Menzies was attacked by Trudeau’s personal bodyguards as he was standing near a street corner.