Jerusalem court orders Israel Health Ministry to produce COVID data

A Jerusalem District court Thursday gave the Israel Health Ministry until November 15th to produce various COVID-19 data on morbidity and mortality in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by petitioner David Shuldman. 

According to the ruling posted by Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz, the Health Ministry must produce data on all-cause mortality throughout the pandemic – including COVID-19 deaths – segmented by vaccination status, recovery from COVID-19, and underlying diseases; child deaths from COVID-19, specifying whether they carried underlying diseases; and deaths segmented by underlying diseases and vaccination status. 

The Health Ministry is enjoined to produce all data grouped by month, though the child death figures must be grouped both monthly and annually. 

As noted by Dr. Shir-Raz, child illnesses and deaths were “the alleged basis for the MOHs fear-mongering campaign designed to get parents to vaccinate children.” 

But some are pointing out that the November 15th deadline allows too much time for Israel’s Health Ministry, known to “rectify” the truth on occasion, to manipulate the data. 

In June, America’s Frontline News reported that the Health Ministry had revised data showing that the vaccinated test positive more than the unvaccinated. Since January 2022 the ministry’s online COVID-19 “dashboard” showed the unvaccinated testing positive more often than the vaccinated, and it was this 'fact' that led to accusations claiming it was the unvaccinated who were spreading the virus. It was used to justify numerous coercive measures against the unvaccinated including longer isolation requirements, restricting access to public places, and loss of employment – in order to reduce the spread of COVID. 

But in May, the ministry “updated” its site to show the exact opposite was true. 

In July, America’s Frontline News reported that leaked documents showed the Health Ministry withheld data on child vaccine injuries from the public. 

In August, the Health Ministry released a report on the adverse effects of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection. As reported by Dr. Josh Guetzkow, the ministry “misrepresented the findings stating that no new adverse events were found, there was no new signal, and the events were not necessarily caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite.” 

“The Israeli MOH artificially minimized the extent of reporting by comparing the number of reports submitted during that period to a much larger number of vaccine doses administered over a longer period of time and a much larger population than the one reporting,” added Dr. Guetzkow. 

“The Israeli MOH sat on these results for nearly 2 months and did not disclose them to the expert committee that met in late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under 5.”