It’s not the vaccine. What else happened?'

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin asking him to respond “no later than February 15, 2022” to whistleblower claims that the military is covering up astronomical increases in cancer and other illnesses since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, including a 2,081% increase high blood pressure, a 948% increase in nervous system Diseases a 387% increase in breast cancer and a 372% increase in female infertility. 

In what may comprise an understatement, Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Executive Director Steve Kirsch responded: “If the vaccines are truly ‘safe and effective,’ these increases are difficult to explain.”

Deleted data

In addition to the claim that the Department of Defense (DOD) is preventing its healthcare staff from publicizing these increases in disease, the whistleblowers reported that myocarditis diagnoses were actually removed from the database (reducing myocarditis rate increases from a factor of over 20 to a factor of just 2), a claim backed up in a video statement by Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of the mRNA technology used in the vaccines.

Protecting the whistleblowers

Johnson further demanded that Austin respond to the whistleblowers’ claims that myocarditis diagnoses were removed from the database and warned the military head that, “Any retaliatory actions taken against these individuals [whistleblowers Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long] will not be tolerated and will be investigated immediately.”

Failed coverup?

A military spokesperson tried to dispel the reliability of the whistleblowers’ data by claiming that the 2021 numbers were up-to-date but, unusually, previous years were not up-to-date. Kirsch commented on this attempt at an explanation:

“What’s interesting is that only the event counts related to adverse events caused by the vaccines (as determined in VAERS) were affected by this “corruption.” That is, huge increases observed prior to the correction were only on symptoms that were vaccine related, not on other symptoms … How could a glitch in the computer only affect symptoms associated with the COVID vaccine?”

Kirsch goes on to analyze the “correction” the DOD made to the numbers of pulmonary embolism (PE) in previous years. In order to bring previous year totals in line with 2021, the DOD had to triple them to 3 times the rate in the general population, despite soldiers’ have better health than the general population overall.

Military doctors silenced

Jason Fields, an active-duty Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force serving in a United States Space Force unit, explains why many vaccine injured soldiers aren't even aware of the cause of their illnesses:

“a lot of the military medical community is not willing to recognize and/or record possible vaccine injuries. I have a number of documented cases where military members who believe they have suffered a serious vaccine injury are totally blown off by the military medical community. 

“The military members are told ‘there is no way’ or ‘I guarantee’ the issues are not related to the vaccine. Imagine the numbers if the medical community took this seriously. 

“In any other situation it would be considered medical malpractice to not fully investigate these medical issues and the root cause.”

Who knows how many VAERS reports there would be in an environment more accepting of the possibility of vaccine injury.

In an online survey asking whether the Secretary of Defense should issue an order protecting military doctors who speak out about patient experiences after COVID vaccination from retaliation and intimidation, Kirsch's social media post recorded 99% in favor with over 1,000 votes cast.

Tip of the iceberg?

Underreporting of vaccine injuries is not limited to the military. A congressional report on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in 2000 revealed, “Former FDA commissioner David A. Kessler has estimated that VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] reports currently represent only a fraction of the serious adverse events.”

Likewise, a 2010 Harvard study found, “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed.”

Shockingly, of 376,452 vaccinated individuals, “35,570 possible reactions were identified” (9.4% of the subjects) over a period of three years in the Harvard research. 

In contrast, VAERS received just 29,736 reports in 2013 from the entire US population of 316 million that year, despite tens of millions of children and adults being vaccinated.

“It’s not the vaccine”

Many people don’t even know of the existence of VAERS. Others, though, may have followed up a vaccine injury with a report to VAERS if they weren’t discouraged by medical staff from making a connection to the vaccine.

For example, Maddie de Garay of Ohio, who participated in Pfizer’s clinical trial for 12 to 15 year olds, immediately felt pain after the second shot, ”and over the next 24-hours she developed severe abdominal and chest pain,” was initially diagnosed as having a vaccine reaction at the emergency room and wound up in a wheelchair with a feeding tube. Nonetheless, medical staff eventually backtracked and diagnosed her with “anxiety.” 

Participating in Senator Johnson’s “Give an Ear’ Panel" in June, Maddie’s mother testified,

“This concerned us, and we didn’t agree with it because she doesn’t have anxiety. Look at her. I mean what 13-year-old can sit here calmly if they have anxiety or mental issues? At one point they even tried to admit her to a mental hospital.”

Indeed, many parents who came to find a connection between a vaccine and an injury to their child relate that they were initially thrown off when they told ER staff that the child had recently had a vaccination only to hear a quick retort of, “it’s not that, what else happened to them?”

Susan Lawson of Colorado told Yahoo Parenting how they found her daughter about one week after her MMRV shot: 

“‘She was blue and cold and her body was arched, her eyes were looking in opposite directions, and she was covered in feces and vomit,’ she recalls. ‘We thought she was dead.’ She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors said she was having seizures, and she was put into a medically induced coma. Julia spent many days in intensive care and the neurology ward before being sent home with the diagnosis of encephalitis, or swelling of the brain.” 

“Lawson, a veterinarian who had the utmost faith in medicine, had never before questioned vaccinations, and had always inoculated Julia right on schedule. But now she began to wonder. Hospital doctors dismissed any thought of a connection.” 

The vaccine injury, which left her daughter with permanent brain damage, was eventually acknowledged in a federal court payout.