Israeli hospital reveals 80% of COVID cases are among vaccinated

More Israeli hospitals are calling for end to the ‘green pass’ system and vaccine mandate enforced by the Israeli government, which prohibits those who are unvaccinated from entry to certain venues and activities. The hospital administrators are citing rising severe cases among the vaccinated.

In an interview with Israel’s Channel 13 today, Professor Jacob Jeris, director of the COVID ward at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov), revealed that the vaccinated make up most of the severe cases. 

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” said Jeris. “They received at least three injections. But 70%-80% of the severe cases are vaccinated. So the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness and that’s why 20%-25% of our patients are unvaccinated.” 

The COVID-19 narrative pushed by the media and government leaders such as U.S. President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is that while the COVID vaccine does not protect against infection or transmission, it protects against severe illness and death. It is the unvaccinated, they say, who are numbering the most severe cases and overwhelming hospitals. 

Prior to this, the vaccine was hailed as a protection against transmission of the virus and prior to that, a protection against infection. 

However, more hospitals and even health ministries have been coming out in recent days to reveal that those who are vaccinated appear to be in the most danger. 

As recently reported by AFLDS Frontline News, the Health Ministry in Haryana, India, home to over 25 million people, has disclosed that the death rate from COVID-19 among the vaccinated is five times that among the unvaccinated. 

Earlier this month, New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet divulged that the vaccinated make up half of COVID patients in the ICU. 

Prof. Jeris, along with other administrators such as Dr. Roi Ilan, director of the ICU at Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, have also said that hospitals are not overwhelmed due to severe cases; they’re overwhelmed because of the number positive cases, which is higher among the vaccinated.