Israeli hospital: No jab, no job even with COVID recovery and testing

A Dutch nurse who emigrated to Israel was told by Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva yesterday that she has a choice: get vaccinated or get out. The nurse, who will be identified only as TI, recovered from COVID-19 in August and holds a valid “Green Pass” vaccine passport.  

TI told AFLDS Frontline News that she had just begun her new job as a nurse providing post-partum care. To start working, she had passed the government exam. She had passed her physical exam and been medically cleared for work. She was even up to date on the other vaccines, such as hepatitis B and measles. 

But she didn’t have the COVID-19 vaccine. 

While her vaccination status was in her medical records and she had been medically cleared for work, this did not help her when she happened to casually mention to some co-workers yesterday that she was unvaccinated. TI re-assured them that there was no cause for worry, as she had already recovered from COVID-19 and held a Green Pass issued by the state. 

But two hours later, she was called into the head nurse’s office. 

The head nurse, who TI would only identify as “O”, asked TI to sit down and gave her an ultimatum. 

“From this chair,” said O, “you will either get up to get the shot or you will get up to go home.” 

"I was shocked,” said TI. She explained to O that she had already been infected with COVID-19 and had the necessary antibodies. 

But O wouldn’t budge. 

TI then asked if she could do regular COVID-19 testing and keep her job. 

O again said no. 

“Everyone in my ward must get the vaccine,” O demanded. Without it, O said, TI is a danger to the mothers and infants in the ward. 

TI asked for a few hours to go home and talk to her husband. 

“It wasn’t a discussion,” said TI. “I’m not vaccinated, my husband’s not vaccinated and our children aren’t vaccinated.” 

When asked why, TI told AFLDS Frontline News that it simply doesn’t work. 

“We see it doesn’t work,” she said. “People get the vaccine three times and they still get sick. People also get side effects from it.”  

The side effects TI is referring to can be found on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). As of this report, the COVID vaccine’s reported side effects alone number over 3.2 million. 

TI also said that the vaccine is very new and she doesn’t want to be an experiment. 

“It’s a new thing,” said TI. “I don’t want to be someone that they test it on.” 

Last week, ALFDS Frontline News reported that Dr. Robert Malone, an architect of the vaccine’s mRNA technology, explained how Israel experimented on its population with the COVID-19 vaccine. 

In an interview with Candace Owens, Malone said that Israel is paid by Pfizer for its data on the effects of the vaccine. When the vaccine was first introduced, explained Malone, Pfizer made an agreement with the government of Israel to purchase data about the vaccine’s effects on the population, which is why Israel was the first country to aggressively pursue mass vaccinations. It is likely why Israel continues to introduce boosters which the government then forcefully mandates.  

“I just cannot understand the mentality of their government,” said Owens. 

Soroka Medical Center did not respond to AFLDS Frontline News' request for a statement.