Israeli health official: Long-term adverse effects? 'We all took into account that this is an experiment - the long-term will be tested, you know, on people who have been vaccinated'

Israeli HMO (Kupat Holim) Clalit Deputy Director and Hospitals Division chief Dr. Orly Weinstein this week told Channel 12 News that because Israel vaccinated first, "it comes with a price, you benefit from the advantages and suffer from the disadvantages."Asked by the interviewer to elaborate, Weinstein said they involved "the long-term follow-up," admitting that "if long-term adverse effects are usually examined in the clinical trial, here the long-term will be tested, you know, on people who have been vaccinated. This is a disadvantage that we all took into account. Yes. There's nothing new here."The Israeli Public Emergency Council for the Corona Crisis responded to the interview, saying "We were amazed to hear this Israeli health official stating 'we all took into account that this was an experiment.' Well, the Israeli public didn't."The Council went on to say: "Israelis never signed informed consents and were thrown under a wheel of false propaganda and coercion: They lied to the public from day one with 'safe and effective' (while they were and still are testing whether or not is... ), 'FDA approved' (when there was only an EUA) and so much more."Now they suddenly find the chutzpah to say that we all knew...."