Israel Education Ministry ordered 1,556 defibrillators installed in all schools with over 500 children in preparation for children's vaccine campaign

Israel's Education Ministry in January issued regulations establishing a legal obligation to have a first aid kit and install defibrillators in all educational institutions - schools and kindergartens - with over 500 students, according to a Real-Time News exposé.

The regulations, which were in fact set three years ago and have since accumulated dust, were published in parallel with the Health Ministry's preparations for vaccinating children, just as the Ministry began vaccinating teenagers aged 16-18 in Israel. 

According to the regulations, entitled First aid study regulations and possession of resuscitation devices and first aid kits in schools, 5741-20, every school with over 500 students must have at least one resuscitation device.

The regulations went into effect in April, in preparation for vaccinating children ages 12-15, just weeks before the FDA granted Pfizer an emergency use authorization for this age group.

The Education Ministry issued a circular regarding "the legal obligation that will take effect starting on April 1, 2021 ... to hold a first aid kit in every educational institution (kindergartens and elementary schools) and possession of a resuscitation device in educational institutions with over 500 students."

Education Ministry Spokeswoman Michal Tzadoki told Real-Time News that "in accordance with the regulations of the law, a defibrillator device was installed in 1,556 schools. It should be noted that the device exists in all schools with more than 500 students."

In March of this year, Pfizer announced that a Phase 3 study it conducted among ages 12-15 "demonstrated 100% efficiency." Following this, the company submitted an application for an emergency authorization for children of these ages. About a month and a half later, in May, the FDA granted the company the EUA. 

Fatal arrhythmia in the middle of class

The timing of the publication of regulations and the deployment of defibrillators in schools is particularly interesting in light of the growing evidence of cardiological problems associated with mRNA vaccines, especially when it comes to adolescents and young people, both in the literature and in the field, worldwide and in Israel.

Along with the approval of the vaccine for adults and the issuance of the EUA for 5-11 year olds, the US Food and Drug Administration, as well as the CDC and the Israel Health Ministry, pointed to a significant link between the vaccine and myocarditis. The evidence for this connection is accumulating. 

In June, the FDA even announced an update in the drug leaflet of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, in relation to the increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following this vaccines. For each of the two vaccines, the manufacturers' information leaflet was amended to include warnings about myocarditis and pericarditis, as well as information about both diseases. According to the FDA announcement, the update was issued following a comprehensive review of the information and a discussion in the CDC's Vaccine Advisory Committee. 

In Israel, an investigation committee appointed by the Health Ministry to examine the issue of myocarditis, headed by Prof. Dror Mevorach, reported in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine on 136 cases of myocarditis - when the incidence after the second dose is 5.3 times higher than expected. Moreover, when it comes to boys aged 16-19, the risk is found to be 13.6 times higher than expected. And as Prof. Mevorach himself noted at a meeting of the Vaccine Prioritization Committee held on June 3, it is likely that this is an underestimation of the cases.

In a discussion held on October 14 in the Knesset's Committee on the Rights of the Child, Dr. Ayelet Ramon, director of the Ichilov Emergency Medical Unit, described a case in which a 16-year-old boy underwent resuscitation that morning after suffering a fatal arrhythmia.

The incident occurred during school hours at the school where the boy was studying, who according to Dr. Ramon was vaccinated. Although he underwent resuscitation and is currently stable, Dr. Ramon said: "I know this child is vaccinated. I know he did not have any background illnesses. I am not satisfied with the knowledge that I am not sure that the Ministry of Health will investigate this and look for the connection.

"I do not think parents should be forced to vaccinate children in the current state of lack of knowledge regarding the safety data of the vaccine in the face of the disease, whose complications are really rare in children."

And it is not just myocarditis and pericarditis, as reported in Real-Time News, a new study from the California Institute of Cardiovascular Health found that mRNA vaccines dramatically increase the risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

This finding is consistent with those of MIT professor Retsef Levi, who found that Israel has experienced a surge in cardiac arrest and heart attack emergency calls among young people in the wake of our mass vaccination campaign. Prof. Levy analyzed the MDA calls in the years 2021-2019, and focused on the calls related to cardiac arrest and heart attacks according to the definitions set by MDA teams in the field. This period includes 14 months without a COVID epidemic and without vaccines (2019 to March 2020); Ten months of pandemic, March 2020 to December 2020), and five-and-a-half months of pandemic with vaccines (January-May 2021). The study findings indicated a 25% increase in the rate of readings of cardiac events in the young age group in 2021 compared to previous periods, and an increase of over 83% in the readings of heart attacks among women aged 20-29. Moreover, the study showed that the increase in case rates upsurges as the ages get younger.

The analysis conducted by Hebrew University in Jerusalem Senior Lecturer Dr. Josh Guetzkow on data from the American VAERS system (system for reporting side effects), also indicates warning signs regarding cardiac events in young people after vaccination. Dr. Guetzkow focused on cardiac events reported in adolescents and young men following COVID vaccinations from December (beginning of the vaccination campaign) to October 8, comparing them to reports of cardiac events in adolescents and young people after influenza vaccinations in the last five flu seasons (2015/16 - 2019 / 20). First, he examined the amount of cardiac events reported among 18-49-year-olds after COVID vaccines, and the amount of these events among the same age group after influenza vaccines. 

He then examined the ratio of the incidence of cardiac events in corona-versus-flu vaccines per million vaccine doses. The results: The rate of cardiac events reported this year (December to October) following COVID vaccines per million vaccine doses among 18-49-year-olds was 46 times higher than the rate reported following influenza vaccines over the past five flu seasons. The rate of arrhythmia events following COVID vaccines is 89 times higher than influenza vaccines; The rate of coronary artery disease is 65 times higher due to COVID vaccines compared to influenza vaccines; The rate of heart failure is 17 times higher; The rate of other cardiac disorders is 46 times higher; The rate of pericarditis is 84 times higher; And the incidence of myocarditis is 277 times higher following COVID vaccines compared to influenza vaccines.

Why did the legislators wake up now?

The question of why, precisely at the time when the vaccination campaign began, it was decided to introduce defibrillator devices in all large schools is particularly interesting in light of the fact that the law stipulates that any school or educational institution with 500 or more students has existed for more than three years.

"In fact, the regulations requiring defibrillators in Public Places, also known as the Defibrillator Law, has existed in Israel since 2008," explains Adv. Yossi Biton of the Professional Ethics Front. "This law stipulates that it is mandatory to place at least one defibrillator in public places, designed to accommodate 500 people or more, including post-secondary institutions such as universities and colleges, but did not originally refer to schools and kindergartens. 

"However, the law was published in amorphous language, when it stipulated that the Education Minister would issue regulations for its implementation, but did not set a date for this. Thus, three years passed without anyone implementing the law. Against this background, the question is, why did it take the government three years to enact regulations for a law that seemed plausible in 2018, and what made it, in January, on the eve of an election and after three years of silence, suddenly decide to implement the law just before the vaccination of children aged 16 and over?"