‘I lost my son’: Elon Musk discusses losing child to gender ideology

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Monday opened up about losing his son to gender ideology, saying he was “tricked” into letting his child be “killed by the woke mind virus.”

‘A lie right from the outset’

Musk’s son Xavier, 20, declared himself a woman in 2022 and changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson. That same year, Xavier cut off relations with his father and said he no longer wants to "be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.” Musk has since blamed the elite California school Crossroads for turning the boy into a communist and subjecting him to gender mutilation.

In an interview Monday with psychologist Jordan Peterson, Musk explained that he was hoodwinked into signing papers authorizing Xavier’s “transition” when he was told that his son’s life was in danger.

“It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This was before I really had any understanding of what was going on. We had COVID going on,” Musk said. “I was told Xavier might commit suicide.”

“That was a lie right from the outset,” Peterson replied. “No reliable clinician ever believed that. There was never any evidence for that, and also if there’s a higher suicide rate, the reason is because the underlying depression and anxiety, not because of the gender dysphoria. And every g**damn clinician knows that.”

‘My son Xavier is dead’

The two agreed that those who advocate gender mutilation for children should be imprisoned, with Musk calling it “incredibly evil.”

“So I was tricked into doing this,” the billionaire continued. “It wasn’t explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs. So I lost my son essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason it’s called deadnaming is because your son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind virus.”

In a follow-up tweet on Tuesday, Musk maintained that Xavier was born homosexual.

“Xavier was born gay and slightly autistic, two attributes that contribute to gender dysphoria,” the SpaceX CEO wrote. “I knew that from when he was about 4 years old and he would pick out clothes for me to wear like a jacket and tell me it was 'fabulous!' as well as his love of musicals & theatre."

“But he was not a girl.”

A war on gender ideology

Xavier’s descent into gender ideology triggered his father into launching a war against the disorder and its advocates. Last week Musk announced he will be moving the SpaceX and X headquarters from California to Texas in response to a bill signed by Governor Gavin Newsom. The law allows schools to hide students’ gender identification from their parents.

“This is the final straw,” Musk posted to X days after Newsom signed the legislation into law. “Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.”

The information contained in this article is for educational and information purposes only and is not intended as health, medical, financial or legal advice. Always consult a physician, lawyer or other qualified professional regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition, health objectives or legal or financial issues. ‍If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can call a qualified free mental health helpline or seek help from a qualified therapist.