HHS signals possible return to mask mandates

A report commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published Tuesday recommends a return to mask mandates to prevent “Long COVID.” 

Long COVID, or “post-COVID conditions,” appears to be an enigmatic new illness, according to the CDC, who is “working to understand more about who experiences post-COVID conditions and why.” The public health agency says the symptoms of Long COVID and their duration are fairly open-ended. 

“Post-COVID conditions can include a wide range of ongoing health problems; these conditions can last weeks, months, or longer,” says the CDC on its website. 

Now the Biden administration is mulling mandating masks to protect from the mystifying illness, despite scientific evidence showing they are not effective against COVID-19 itself. 

"The lifting of mask mandates and indifferent attitude toward masking and social distancing typical in many public and private places further isolates people with Long COVID," reads a report commissioned by the HHS and produced by research agency Coforma. “As a result, policymakers should ‘encourage or mandate policies and protocols regarding masking and social distancing in public spaces.’" 

The report also called for "vaccine promotion as a preventative measure for Long COVID." 

Even now, the Biden administration continues to push mask-wearing, with Dr. Anthony Fauci encouraging face masks in a Tuesday press briefing. Mainstream media, who continue to beg for the return of mandates, remain protective of the ritual. 

The Grio White House Correspondent April Ryan proudly wore a mask throughout Tuesday’s briefing and even complained to Dr. Fauci that mask-wearing is frowned upon in some areas. 

“Masks and the word ‘masks’ have become a pejorative in some parts of this nation,” Ryan lamented.  “Can you talk about the importance of mask-wearing as you’re worried about the holidays and people gathering together?” 

Fauci obliged and launched into a short sermon about the virtues of wearing a mask, but Ryan, worried that the mask’s reputation is being tarnished, asked Fauci again to confirm that masks are good. 

“So what do you say about the word ‘mask’ now being a pejorative in some communities?” Ryan pressed. 

“No, it shouldn’t be,” answered Fauci before telling Ryan she looks “terrific.” “I mean, you’re absolutely right. I mean, I know sometimes when you walk in and you have a mask and nobody has a mask, you kind of feel guilty. You shouldn’t feel guilty. You look terrific, right?”