Greatest single threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic' - Congressmen warn about WHO treaty

The greatest threat to democracy yet

Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) held a press conference on Capitol Hill on Monday, standing alongside other congressional representatives and policy experts, to let the American people know that the WHO's proposed Pandemic Treaty represents what he believes to be the greatest threat to democracy yet, as reported by Lifesite News.

The New American reported on the extent of the threat as viewed by Smith and his colleagues:

On Monday, Representative Chris Smith (R-N.J.) hosted a press conference dedicated to the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) proposed and currently negotiated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The documents were dubbed “the greatest single threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic.” [Emphasis added.]

The problems with the treaty that he and others described include its potential impact on the individual freedoms of U.S. citizens, the fact that it would have made no difference to the outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic had it been in effect then, and that the term “shall,” used 175 times in the treaty, makes all aspects of it mandatory and not voluntary, a power grab by the WHO. These issues, among others, were identified in his office's press release:[fn]“Panel of Experts Raises the Alarm on Growing Concerns Surrounding Looming WHO ‘Pandemic Treaty.’” U.S. Congressman Chris Smith, 6 Feb. 2024,[/fn]

. . . lack of transparency, the backroom negotiations, WHO overreach and infringement on US sovereignty, unknown financial obligations for US taxpayers, threats to intellectual property rights and free speech, funding for abortion, and how the treaty will benefit China at the expense of the United States.

. . .

There is no provision in this treaty that . . . had [it] been in effect in 2019 it would have in anyway made a substantive difference in preventing or ameliorating the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic . . .

This is a global power grab using any future emergency as a justification to use that power, . . . At risk is national sovereignty…the term ‘shall’ appears over 175 times in the document. In legal parlance, ‘shall’ is mandatory; it is a command. This is anything but a voluntary agreement. [Emphases added.]

In addition, the treaty would force nations to provide for their citizens all health care services that the WHO deems “essential.” Currently, it considers abortions an “essential service” even though many states do not allow abortions. As Smith explained, this could easily include gender mutilation surgeries if the WHO decided it was an essential health service: 

The Chinese agenda

Additionally, the requirement for countries to provide whatever the WHO considers essential services may be used to force nations to abide by the WHO's political and/or social agenda, whether or not it is relevant to the people of a particular country and whether or not it is religiously and culturally objectionable, is practical or even makes biological sense. And that agenda forced on the world by the WHO may be the agenda of China - both the current head of the WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, who served as minister in a terrorist organization and the former head, Margaret Chan, received their positions as the result of significant lobbying on their behalf by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Family Research Council summarized Tedros' China ties:

Tedros's ties to China are strong. During his tenure as Ethiopia's foreign minister from 2012 to 2016, he oversaw the borrowing of over $13 billion from China, which has led it to becoming Ethiopia's largest trading partner. China also "campaigned hard" for Tedros to become chief of the WHO in 2017. These concerns, along with Tedros's background as a member of the Marxist Tigrayan People's Liberation Front and the Biden administration's push to give WHO the ability to declare pandemic authority without the consent of member states, have led to strong opposition.

For her part, Chan, born to a Chinese family in Hong Kong, was handpicked by then-Chinese President Hu Jintao to lead the WHO. 

More than 13 years before a new and deadly coronavirus began to spread across China, a Hong Kong-born doctor with a Canadian passport met Hu Jintao, then the president of China. Mr. Hu told Margaret Chan that Beijing was interested in her as a potential director-general of the World Health Organization.

Never before had a Chinese person led a major United Nations organization.

Power grab

Smith's claim that the Pandemic Treaty is a power grab is supported by a 2021 statement by Tedros saying that the treaty was designed to “empower” the WHO. The quest for power will likely continue even if the vote on the Pandemic Treaty fails as it began with Margaret Chan when she described her Marxist vision for radical social change. 

Check back as we look at the WHO's real agenda as outlined by Margaret Chan.

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