Gossip columnist aiding hostile AFLDS takeover swallows Frontline News bait whole; Reinette Senum 'compromised by her jealousy'

Gossip columnist and failed California gubernatorial candidate Reinette Senum today published the fourth in a series of disinformation pieces about Frontline News, unaware that she had eagerly walked into a sting operation, swallowing the bait offered her by Frontline News itself.

Senum, who lost California's gubernatorial primary with 0.6% of the vote, first began her campaign against Frontline News last month when she published an article attempting to discredit human rights advocate and America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Founder Dr. Simone Gold. 


According to California law, a defamation claim is established by proving four facts: That one made a false statement of purported fact about a person; that the statement was made (published) to a third party; that the person who made the statement did so negligently, recklessly, or intentionally; and that as a result of the statement, one’s reputation was damaged.

Senum seemed eager to publish any information she was given if it disparaged Dr. Gold and her team, not bothering with rudimentary journalistic practices such as checking sources, validating claims, and basic research.

To confirm this, Frontline News decided to contact Senum with a false intelligence report about Frontline News Director Mordechai Sones, building on Senum’s earlier claims that Sones was an “Israeli intelligence operative.”

Frontline News reached out to Senum under the alias “Thomas Masty” with outrageous, James Bondesque claims about Sones, saying he had been court-martialed from the U.S. army where he never served nor claimed to, detailing some of his “activities”, such as smuggling “Israeli code books from Egypt into Gaza,” and telling a tale of bouncing transmitter signals off of mountains in Gaza, where there are no mountains, and where the transmitters of the 80's have long since been replaced with smartphones. The report also accused Sones’ wife of being a “China-trained Ecuadorian operative” and said the couple has been running psychological operations in the United States on behalf of their respective governments under the direction of China.

Many of the claims were taken from a 1985 character assassination attempt by an intelligence operative named Thomas Masty, fabricating an investigation into Sones’ then-boss, friend, and mentor Andrew Eiva. Frontline News changed “Eiva” to “Sones” in its Senum correspondence, along with some details, and sent it to Senum’s personal email address.

Masty’s original report, along with Eiva’s rebuttal, may be viewed here.

Senum, in her apparent eagerness to vilify Dr. Gold and Frontline News, recklessly took the bait.

“Holy hell. What a rap sheet that is, and I’m not surprised,” the gubernatorial also-ran reacted. She said “many of us knew there was much more” but simply didn’t have access to the information that “Tom Masty” does.

She also admitted that “many of us” have sensed Frontline News has been running Chinese psychological operations in the United States.

“As far as the psychological operations of Frontline News…many of us have been sensing this for some time,” she said.

Senum then asked “Tom Masty” for information on Dr. Gold, though she said the renowned human rights physician is “small potatoes.”

“Do you have any information on Simone Gold? However, she seems small potatoes to me…connected to a larger apparatus.”

“You started off my 2023 with a bang,” Senum concluded.

Senum believes Frontline News should be condemned because its news team is based in Israel. Senum made various unsupported claims about the Frontline News team, including that Frontline News Director Mordechai Sones is an Israeli intelligence operative.

Sones resigned his previous position with Israel National News, where he had written and reported for five years, in protest of their editorial policy vis-à-vis COVID-19. While there, he covered Israel Health Ministry denials and obfuscation in articles such as this, this, this, and this, earning him praise as one of the only journalists in Israel willing to expose government and media disinformation. He has received accolades from groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth for his work exposing Israel's role in “safekeeping” 9/11 evidentiary material, and his Report on the Acquiescence  of the Israeli Government in Palestinian Authority First Strike Preparations in Judea and Samaria was published by the Ariel Center for Policy Research in 2000. He began work with America's Frontline Doctors in March, 2021.

Senum's claims appear to have been provided by Jessica Abu-Hijleh, who headed AFLDS' Citizen's Corps and has become a close associate of failed gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert. Gilbert, a disgraced boxer and attorney currently facing investigation for misconduct, has been making his own claims against Dr. Gold in a bid to seize control of AFLDS through a hostile takeover.

Frontline News asked Sones to comment on claims against Dr. Simone Gold, Gilbert's role in AFLDS, Abu-Hijeh's crusade against her former boss and confidante, Senum's journalistic promiscuity, and related topics. “I have worked closely with Dr. Simone Gold since joining AFLDS in March, 2021," he said. "The thing that irks me the most about the controversy that has been generated within our camp surrounding her is that none of those purporting to comprise the AFLDS board ever had anything to do with the running of America's Frontline Doctors. While Dr. Gold was in constant contact with the team, sharing our effort, leading, encouraging, and providing detailed guidance on every aspect of AFLDS operation, we never heard of these people who call themselves an ‘Oversight Committee’ and who now offer pious, but empty, declarations regarding their commitment to the U.S. Constitution and medical freedom.”

Sones continued: “During that entire time, from March, 2021 until the time she entered prison in July, 2022, Dr. Gold attended all weekly AFLDS leadership meetings, with perhaps two or three exceptions when she was travelling on AFLDS business. She is the most serious and dedicated boss I've ever had the privilege to work for, and claims that she misused the organization's resources to fund a lavish lifestyle strike me as ridiculous.”

What about the alleged mansion Gilbert claims Gold bought with company funds? "Besides the fact that the main instigator of these attacks, Joey Gilbert, was aware of and party to the transaction to purchase the house as an AFLDS investment, nobody mentions that the house was used as AFLDS headquarters with the various AFLDS branch members flying to Florida, one week being designated to focus on medical work, another to work on AFLDS legal initiatives, or to lead the Citizen's Corps.  Dr. Gold was present throughout to lead her team, except for the times when she was travelling around the United States, advancing AFLDS' mission. She spent almost half of 2021 on the road for AFLDS, which is all a matter of public record, touring for more than three months straight (May-July), visiting about 37 cities and towns to speak, driving close to 50,000 miles.

“Out of all the ‘board members’ today claiming great concern for the future of America's Frontline Doctors, the only one we ever heard of was Joey Gilbert, but never in the context of any management role within the organization.  He would appear on video interviews from time to time when Dr. Gold was unavailable for comment on some national issue, but despite his title as ‘Strategy Director,’ we never saw any strategy, or any other leadership for that matter, coming from those quarters.

“More than this: A cornerstone of Gilbert's hostile takeover of AFLDS has been his claim to be in full control of the organization and intimate knowledge of its functioning. However, Reinette Senum's first attack on Frontline News reveals that Gilbert never even knew the news team was based in Israel: ‘It was also around this time that Reno Attorney and now AFLDS Board President and Chair Joey Gilbert heard for the first time where the “American” Frontline News team resided — not in the US, but Israel.’"

Regarding Kevin Jenkins, Sones says: “I do not know who he is, or what motivates him. His so-called Oversight Committee is clearly fake; it didn't even exist until Gilbert was exposed and sued. Jenkins may have been misled. But I don't find his declarations expressing concern for AFLDS to be convincing, for the simple reason that he was never part of the AFLDS team, and none of us who worked and built AFLDS into what it is ever heard of him before. I was very concerned to hear of his role as Zelenko Freedom Foundation Co-Chairman, as Dr. Zelenko was a dear friend, and I wouldn't want to see his legacy subverted in similar fashion.”

Jenkins was recently interviewed by slapstick journalist Stew Peters. Peters, who thinks “it’s important to keep track of the story of Dr. Simone Gold and her group America’s Front Line Doctors,” sells “protection for your family and livelihood that actually WORKS!!”, advertises for his “friends at Goldco,” helps “prepare your family for famine and shortages,” and sells “help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!”

“Peters can't seem to touch a good story without somehow subverting the message," commented Sones. "As Professor Josh Guetzkow wrote regarding his Died Suddenly documentary, Peters ‘taints and tarnishes the material on the clots and other important information by covering it with a lot of garbage. And it is truly a shame in this case because there is much valuable, true information in the film that is now tainted by being mixed together with so much false information.’"

“For this reason,” concluded Sones, “Frontline News has been watching Peters and initiating appropriate contacts to gain a better understanding of his role in the resistance.”

“Jessica Abu-Hijleh,” says Sones, “is probably one of the saddest casualties of this attack. She was dedicated and hard-working, but I think her naiveté was taken advantage of to drive a wedge between her and Dr. Gold, and I'd like to explain exactly what I mean by this.

”Jess speaks of AFLDS' mission having been subverted, as millions in $20 and $100 donations sent by Main Street, U.S.A. was squandered by Dr. Gold in a debauch of luxury spending. This was her message to Stew Peters, and this is also what she told Reinette Senum.

“However, Jess ignores the fact that while small donations are extremely important, the seven-figure donations came from experienced philanthropists who were well aware that Dr. Simone Gold was an emerging celebrity, well on the way to achieving celebrity adoration and recognition, and they were eager to fund this image as it enhanced the effectiveness of her vital message.”

Senum claimed in her latest post that “from their text exchange that I have reviewed, it is clear Sones was priming the pump for information from Abu regarding her Palestinian contacts.”

Senum omitted the context of the conversation, where Abu-Hijeh agrees with and praises Sones' approach: “I love what you guys are doing...investigating how the governments are manipulating the Israelis and Palestinians to be divided as they do here in the states.  It's so obvious at this point.”

Sones says he took no pleasure in orchestrating the sting against Reinette Senum. “Sickened is more like it. When I saw her first piece attacking Dr. Gold, I was struck with the distinct impression that Reinette has hated Dr. Gold from the first moment she saw her.  An objective observer might conclude that Senum has been compromised by her own jealousy.”

Regarding Senum's intricate “political analysis” that blindly accepted, built upon, and developed the misinformation fed her by Frontline News, Sones apologized for needing to be blunt: “Senum's political analysis appears as if someone had defecated on the same spot for 70 years, and then brought groups of admiring tourists to view the steaming mountain, to show off her singular proud achievement.”

In California, the winner of a defamation case may be awarded three types of damages: 1) General damages, which are damages for loss of reputation, shame, mortification, and hurt feelings; 2) Special damages, which are damages for property, trade, profession, or occupation; or 3) Punitive damages, which are damages awarded in the discretion of the superior court or the jury, to be recovered in addition to general and special damages, and to be awarded for the sake of example and by way of punishing a defendant.

Defamation lawsuits are reportedly on the way.

In conclusion, Sones said: “We are grateful to Joey Gilbert, Kevin Jenkins, Jessica Abu-Hijleh, Reinette Senum, and Stew Peters for finally committing their outlandish fabrications in writing. It is unfortunate that the suspicions and confusion generated by this group have taken valuable time and energy that has been needed to help ordinary citizens. The free people of the world pay the price in blood.”