Gender totalitarians behind UK bank closures, says report

Authoritarian gender operatives are behind decisions by UK banks to shut down certain accounts, according to a source within one of the country’s leading banks.

Allegations against British financial institutions have been surfacing in recent weeks after Nigel Farage, one of the UK’s most popular Right-leaning figures, announced that his accounts at Coutts Bank will be shut down this summer for undisclosed reasons. Three of Farage’s family members are reportedly suffering the same treatment. The Brexit mastermind believes he is being forced out of the country and last week revealed that he has since been rejected by nine other banks.

Journalist Scott Campbell, who founded a pro-Scottish independence blog called Wings Over Scotland, says his bank account was summarily shut down by First Direct after he stated, “Women don't have penises.” Campbell says the bank claimed to have sent him a letter notifying him of the decision, for which they refused to provide a reason.

Last month, Barclays Bank was forced to pay Christian groups £20,000 ($25,400) in compensation for closing their accounts in response to pressure from authoritarian gender operatives.

Scotland’s Equalities and Human Rights Commissioner Dr Lesley Sawers, an advocate for women’s rights, had her bank account shut down by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) without explanation last month after 32 years. When her husband William McKechnie asked RBS to provide the reason for their decision, he was told, “We don’t have to.” McKechnie believes it is because “women's rights issues,” which pose a challenge to men who claim to be women, “are very controversial at the moment”.

Charity organization Families Need Fathers CEO Sam Morfey says he was shut down by HSBC in April, also without explanation. Families Need Fathers aims to preserve nuclear families and emphasizes the importance of children being raised by both mothers and fathers.

“Without any warning, HSBC closed our business account in April, causing us major disruption, unable to receive funds or pay service providers and our trustees having to use personal credit cards to keep the charity afloat,” he said.

“We tried on multiple occasions to contact their business managers, no response or reason was given, other than telling us we hadn’t responded to letters sent, which needless to say we never received. We have responded on time to all other previous online requests,” Morfey added.

Right-wing political party UK Independence Party (UKIP) member Colin Mair says his account was recently shut down by Santander Bank, which also blocked him from being able to automatically switch to NatWest.

“I got no reason. The manager of the local branch could get no reason. I have had the account for over twenty years and never had an overdraft and always had plenty in the account. I ended up doing a manual switch to NatWest, which was a pain,” says Mair.

Now a Santander Bank insider has revealed that gender operatives have been behind the decisions to close certain accounts, including one belonging to a customer who complained about the bank draping its offices in rainbow flags. When the customer told the bank to focus more on banking and less on political causes, she received a “lecture” from a bank employee and a letter in the mail threatening account closure. But to some, that wasn’t enough.

“This caused uproar with the staff involved, supported by the LGBT network, as they felt the customer should have been closed,” the Santander source told MailOnline, adding that the bank is on a “toxic path” of “policing the views of their customers”.

“I don't know where they believe customers who hold a different opinion than them should bank,” the employee said.

Our Duty Founder Keith Jordan says he was blocked from opening an account with Metro Bank because of his work. Our Duty is a nonprofit organization of 2,000 parents who oppose genital mutilation for children. Jordan says he was told by a bank employee on the phone that “the bank has staff networks for diversity and inclusion including for LGBTQ staff” and that the manager told him she had recently attended a “Pride march”.

Last month, Metro Bank partnered with Stonewall, a charity organization which seeks to scrub references to women and allow men into women’s bathrooms.

Actor and activist Laurence Fox, who has publicly opposed totalitarian gender ideology, says his political party Reclaim was denied a bank account in 2021.

UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt Tuesday reportedly ordered an investigation into the allegations against financial institutions, and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warned banks against blacklisting customers for free speech.