Fetterman victory mystifies voters


Voters across social media appear stymied at the news that Pennsylvania Democrat Lt. Governor John Fetterman, a sometimes-coherent stroke victim, won the senate race against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz Tuesday.  

Fetterman, who remained pro-mandate throughout the pandemic, suffered a stroke less than a month after his COVID-19 injection in April 2021. The 51-year-old was forced to suspend his campaign, but this year returned to the trail against Oz. 

The six-foot-eight Democrat has been struggling to remain intelligible throughout the campaign, with such comments as, “when I leave tonight, I got three miles away — Dr. Oz in his mansion in New Jersey,” and “Dr. Oz also has a very very big difference in what really matters here as Democrats here in Pennsylvania too.” He has also confused Washington, D.C. with New Jersey and began his debate with Dr. Oz by wishing the audience “goodnight”. 

At a recent rally, Fetterman told his supporters, “I celebrate the demise of Roe v. Wade.” 

After interviewing Fetterman last month, NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns concluded that “it wasn't clear he was understanding our conversation.”  

Fetterman, who was supported by his parents into his mid-40s as he remained mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, has refused to release his medical records to the public. 

But his incoherence isn’t the only cause for surprise among voters at Fetterman’s victory. 

Aside from supporting mandates, Fetterman used taxpayer money in 2020 to vacation on the Jersey Shore while advocating for harsh lockdowns, as reported by America’s Frontline News. 

Pennsylvania State Police reportedly doled out $3,500 on food, lodging and overtime during the vacation from June 24-June 27, 2020, while the Pennsylvania Department of Health had already cautioned residents against non-essential travel.  

Just two days prior, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy had vowed to crack down on partygoers at the Jersey Shore.  

Fetterman’s vacation came a month after he appeared on CNN praising lockdowns and accusing counties which opened up as doing so “at the peril of their residents.” He also warned that “there could be additional fallout” for local officials who defy PA Governor Tom Wolf’s lockdown mandate. He then criticized a “small, tiny minority of individuals” who were against the lockdowns. 

But on Tuesday, Fetterman not only beat Oz, but also flipped the seat that had been in Republican hands. 

While some gushed over Fetterman’s win as a “blow to ableism,” both Democrats and Republicans were shocked to hear the news. 

“Unreal: Fetterman wins in PA,” tweeted reporter Miranda Devine. “So Dems have forged a new political model: hiding a cognitively challenged candidate in the basement.” 

“John Fetterman is literally brain damaged and we just lost to him,” commented Laverne Spicer. 

“Caligula sent a horse to the Roman Senate to mock them. Pennsylvania is sending Fetterman,” wrote political commentator Mike Cernovich. 

“Multiple networks have now called the PA Senate race for John Fetterman,” commented Greg Price. “A guy who lived off his parents until he was 50, has never had a real job, wants to release 1/3 of criminals, and lied about the nature of his stroke to the public will be the next senator from PA.” 

“If Fetterman getting elected doesn't tell you our entire system is a joke, then I don't know what will. Elites have put in power a dementia patient as president and a stroke patient as senator, just to show you that they can. They are f*cking with you.” 

“What the hell were the people of Pennsylvania thinking? You can’t help stupid. Fetterman? My god.” 

“Fetterman isn’t even qualified to work in a soup kitchen. There is zero chance he beat Oz fairly.” 

“Fetterman just shattered the glass ceiling for vegetables.” 

“Fetterman is at a loss for words. So no change from normal Fetterman.” 

"Fetterman for President 2024? After tonight, people are asking,” tweeted Benny Johnson.