FBI raid likely ensured Trump victory, say experts

Following Monday’s shocking FBI raid on President Donald Trump, political and legal experts are opining that far from hurting a Trump presidential bid in 2024, the political stunt has all but guaranteed it. 

The FBI’s pretext for the surprise raid was to recover 15 boxes of documents belonging to the National Archives, which allegedly contained information related to national security. So far, there is no record of the FBI previously requesting the documents via an informal process or subpoena. The bureau also broke into Trump’s safe without a warrant. 

“If they raided his home just to find classified documents he took from The White House,” one legal expert noted according to Politico, “he will be re-elected president in 2024, hands down. It will prove to be the greatest law enforcement mistake in history.” 

Entrepreneur and failed Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang also acknowledged that the raid just increased Trump’s allure. 

“I’m no Trump fan,” tweeted Yang. “I want him as far away from the White House as possible. But a fundamental part of his appeal has been that it’s him against a corrupt government establishment. This raid strengthens that case for millions of Americans who will see this as unjust persecution.” 

Former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Joe Walsh, who previously called Trump a “traitor” and suggested using the 25th Amendment to remove the president, conceded that the FBI raid had the opposite effect. 

“Both things are true: 1. The Justice Department’s job is to pursue justice & uphold the rule of law. And they should NEVER let politics get in the way of that. Yesterday, they did their job,” Walsh tweeted. 

“2. What happened yesterday handed the 2024 GOP nomination to Donald Trump.” 

“Trump just won the 2024 primary,” wrote political analyst Jack Posobiec. 

"If Donald Trump runs in 2024, he wins,” said Australian-born political commentator Nick Adams. 

According to former nuclear operations officer Col. Rob Manness (Ret.), “[the FBI raid] assures Donald Trump’s re-election in 2024.” 

“Trump just became the presumptive president in 2024,” agreed New York Times bestselling author and RedState columnist Buzz Patterson. 

Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak, who says he wanted an alternative to Trump in 2024, now appears to be cheering on the president. 

“I’m on record as preferring an alternative to Trump in 2024,” tweeted Pollak. “But this raid will make many people like me rally behind Trump — for all his flaws — to stop the abuses of power by federal law enforcement, intelligence services, military brass, and, most of all, Democrats in Congress.” 

But while Republicans are focused on 2024, the Democrats may have just avoided a “red tsunami” in the coming midterm elections and secured more Democratic victories, even if Trump is not indicted. 

Trump has so far held back on announcing a 2024 run before the elections, ostensibly because the announcement would motivate Democrats, independents and “Never-Trump” Republicans to vote blue this November. But he has held back only barely, telling supporters at rallies “we may just have to do it again.” 

Now the Democratic Party and its many operatives in the Biden regime may be counting on Trump to react to the FBI raid with his signature explosive approach and declare war by announcing a 2024 run. 

And even if Trump manages to stay his knee-jerk reaction, the Democrats have already succeeded in making Trump 2024 a main topic of discussion and center of political debate, which could hand them the desperate saving grace they needed.