Conservative journalist targeted by Brazil government flees capital

A journalist who exposed pedophilic government officials has been forced to flee his home in Brasília to an undisclosed location after being targeted by Brazil’s government. 

As an investigative journalist, Wellington Macedo had a normal career until he discovered that several Left-wing public servants had been sexually abusing children, as well as manipulating data and engaging in other forms of corruption. When he exposed the officials, they unsuccessfully tried to bribe him with money and job offers.

In September 2018, Macedo released a documentary called “Educação do Mal” (“Evil Education”), which revealed rampant educational fraud in Sobral, a municipality in the city of Ceará. The documentary found that school boards were pre-selecting well-performing students to take tests and even providing them with the answers beforehand, to show high performance reports. 

Macedo was sued 70 times by schools, Ceará’s governor and other officials. They lost every lawsuit. 

But when he began to receive death threats, he fled to Brasília and spent most of 2019 working with children at the Human Rights Ministry. He went back to work as an independent investigative journalist and began publishing his works on social media, where his following grew. 

In particular, Macedo voiced his opposition to the country’s lockdowns and even created an organization called the Christian Family Freedom March to campaign against the restrictions. 

That’s when he caught the attention of Supreme Federal Court (STF) and Superior Electoral Court (TSE) Alexandre de Moraes. 

Moraes is known for implementing severe measures against his political opponents. 

Macedo, an Evangelical himself, says he was suddenly arrested and held in solitary confinement. 

“It was from then on that I was targeted with a fake investigation (Case 4879), created to justify illegal arrests,” he told The Gateway Pundit. “I was arrested on September 3, 2021, thrown into solitary confinement for 41 days in a maximum security prison. The Chief Justice accused me of promoting violence and anti-democratic acts. There were families carrying a Bible and the flag of Brazil, demonstrating against the unconstitutional acts of the judiciary.” 

“I had never been arrested or driven in a police car. In jail I did 40 days of fasting and prayer, and I was released after 41 days. I lost 18 kilos, and I was released with an ankle bracelet in the early hours of October 15th.” 

Shortly after, Macedo says he decided to “call it quits.” 

“On this Christmas Day, I decided to put an end to all this, cut off my anklet, hung it on a guava tree and left Brasilía, as I heard from reliable sources that I would be thrown into prison again,” he shared. 

According to the journalist, there are over 800 search and seizure warrants currently issued for various dissidents on Chief Justice Moraes’ orders. The investigations leading to these warrants are kept confidential, and not even the defendants’ lawyers are given access to the files. 

“I was never convicted or even charged with a crime, but I have been persecuted for over 1 year and 3 months. That’s why I decided to call it quits, cut my ankle bracelet off and leave Brazil,” said Macedo.