Complaints of severe bleeding in woman post-vaccine prompts study in Israeli hospital

A study appearing on the U.S. Government Clinical Research website examined the effect of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on ovarian reserve in women who are planning to be vaccinated, before receiving the first shot of the vaccine.  The study is to be conducted in Israel, in Sheba Medical Center.

This, after many complaints from women, young and old, about severe bleeding after receiving the "vaccine". They will test the effect of the vaccine on ovarian reserve (AMH is the test given to women experiencing fertility problems that measures the amount of eggs in their ovaries).

The paper's summary says: "As Israel is the first country to widely vaccinate its population using the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19, evaluating its influence on ovarian reserve is essential."

They also announced a study to be conducted on 4,000 pregnant women, long after doctors in the country began to recommend, with great confidence, that pregnant women get vaccinated.

Many of them fell ill with coronavirus after being vaccinated and some miscarried.

After being required by the Freedom of Information Act to publish the data, the Health Ministry claimed it "has no data on how many of the pregnant COVID-19 patients became ill after being vaccinated."