Clear deceptions by Health Ministry': Israel Supreme Court petition against Green Passport submitted

A petition today was filed in Israel's Supreme Court against the Green Passport medical apartheid system. This is not the first such petition to confront Israel's highest court, but experts are calling today's submission one of the most significant among them.

Several countries around the world have outlawed the measure, which has been identified with communist China's social credit system.

The petition claims Green Passport regulations were enacted without authority. "The Coronavirus Act does not allow the government to set restrictions based on acceptance or non-acceptance of a vaccine. The Green Passport Regulations do not meet the objectives set out in the Coronavirus Act. In absence of any real justification for administering Green Passport regulations, there is concern that their execution involved foreign considerations related to the agreement with Pfizer. This is especially true when there are defects in the approval of the use of the vaccine in Israel, which are accompanied by clear deceptions on the part of the Health Ministry."

The petition says the government "continues to unprecedentedly violate the fundamental rights of State citizens using undemocratic and illegal means."

The Green Passport regulations severely, disproportionately, and unnecessarily infringe on a long list of human rights, including the right to privacy, equality, autonomy over the body, freedom of movement, freedom of occupation, and more.

"The Green Passport regulations create a regime of discrimination, segregation, and harassment between citizens based on their health status and try to force them, in violation of the law, to receive medical treatment."

In a situation where most of the at-risk population is vaccinated, there is no real need for Green Passport regulations. The unvaccinated population does not pose a real danger to the vaccinated population, certainly compared to other winter diseases."

The petition was accompanied by a professional opinion explaining the "lack of professional logic" inherent in the Green Passport regulations. The opinion also points to the long-term damage that coercion of coronavirus vaccines could cause in terms of public trust in the health system and in future consent to receive other vaccines.

The opinion is signed by:

Prof. Tzvi Bentoitch, who was one of the founders of the clinical immunology profession in Israel and abroad, established the first AIDS treatment and research center in Israel at Kaplan Hospital, and headed it for 20 years (1982-2002).
Prof. Asher Elhiani, Professor of Medicine, Specialist in Family Medicine and Public Administration. He served as the director of Meir Hospital, the director of the Central District at Clalit, and as the director of the United Health Fund. He served as chairman of the National Council for Health in the Community. Family doctor in the Negev.
Microbiology and Clinical Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University head Prof. Udi Qimron, expert in microbial evasion mechanisms from the immune system and the interaction between bacteria and viruses.
Dr. Yifat Abadi Kork, an expert in epidemiology and molecular biology, served as a consultant to the committee on the drug basket on medical technologies and as a senior researcher at the Israeli Center for the Evaluation of Medical Technologies at the Gartner Institute, Director of Research and Academy at Assuta Medical Centers.
Dr. Yoav Yehezkeli, Internal Medicine Specialist and Medical Director. Lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University. Served as Deputy Hospital Director, District Physician, District Director Medical Director in Companies Startup, GP.
Family doctor, consultant, internal medicine and medical administration expert, and lecturer Dr. Yoav Yehezkeli. Yehezkeli is a lecturer in the Emergency and Disaster Management Program at Tel Aviv University, is one of the founders of the epidemiology team and assessment programs for unusual biological events, is a district physician, and former district director of health funds.