CDC creates different testing standard depending on vaccination status

by David HellerAre COVID infections really declining amongst the vaccinated? With the vaccination campaign in the U.S. in full swing, significant numbers of people have already been vaccinated. The media and CDC are claiming that vaccination has reduced the spread of COVID. But is this in fact the case? Has mass vaccination managed to reduce COVID infections?Cases are determined by a positive PCR test - a test that detects genetic fragments of the virus in the test subject. The test can be run with more or fewer cycles, the more cycles that are run, the more sensitive the test, and the more “positive” results will be found.Until May 1, the CDC considered any positive test result with up to 40 cycles a case of COVID. This criteria was criticized by experts who recommended that the test should be limited to a maximum of 30 - 35 cycles, since in test results with over 35 cycles, 97% of the results would be false positives. In January the WHO also cautioned against test results with high cycle thresholds.Starting May 1st the CDC changed its policy, and reduced the cycle threshold down to 28 (making the tests less sensitive, but in line with expert opinion) but ONLY FOR THE VACCINATED. So according to current CDC recommendations, unvaccinated individuals are considered COVID-positive when using the very high testing standard, while vaccinated individuals are only considered COVID-positive when using the broader testing standard. It’s no wonder there are much fewer positives among the vaccinated.