Canada agrees to extradite Nazi after discovering vaccination status: SATIRE

Canada’s government Wednesday agreed to extradite a Nazi to stand trial for war crimes after authorities discovered he refused the COVID-19 shots.

The Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation last week to 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian national who volunteered for the Waffen SS during World War II. Hunka enlisted with the First Ukrainian Division, also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division or the SS 14th Waffen Division, which was under the command of Hitler’s army.

Nevertheless, Hunka was honored Friday during a visit from Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The elderly Nazi was introduced by House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota as a “Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero” for fighting against Russia in World War II.

On Tuesday Poland announced its intention to request Hunka’s extradition from Canada to stand trial for war crimes. But Canada Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland at first denied the request.

“We need to stop living in the past,” Freeland said in a statement. “It’s time for the world to acknowledge the simple fact that Russians are the new Nazis. As far as the Canadian government is concerned, Ukrainians like Hunka and my grandfather are absolved of their Nazi crimes.”

But the government has reconsidered its decision following a Health Canada report revealing that Hunka had refused the COVID-19 vaccinations.

“Canada has a zero-tolerance policy for extremists who refuse their vaccinations,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters Wednesday. “As I’ve said before, the unvaccinated are poisoning Canadian society with their White supremacy. We know of course that even Adolf Hitler was vaccinated, which prevented him from becoming a monster like [Russia President Vladimir] Putin.”

Asked if Hunka’s efforts against Russia could earn him a pardon for his vaccination status, Trudeau replied that “history will not forgive the enemies of vaccines.”

“Slava vaktsyni!” he added, echoing a Canadian battlecry in Ukrainian which translates to “Glory to the vaccine!”

In September 2021 the prime minister explained that those who refuse the COVID-19 shots are racist and misogynist.

“We all know people who are deciding whether or not they are willing to get vaccinated, and we will do our very best to try to convince them. However, there is still a part of the population (that) is fiercely against it,” Trudeau said on television. “They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space.

“This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?"