Bill de Blasio encounters fierce resistance to monkeypox vaccine plan

Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Monday laid out his four-point plan on Twitter to combat monkeypox, which involves a push for the monkeypox vaccine. 

While he was in office last year, De Blasio established himself as an ardent believer in COVID-19 vaccines, going so far as to offer unhealthy incentives to those who took the injections. 

"Free fries when you get vaccinated? I got vaccinated,” de Blasio told New Yorkers on video in May 2021 as he snacked on fries. “You're saying I could get these delicious fries? Wait a minute, that there's also a burger element to this?" he said, waving a half-wrapped burger. 

"I want you to look at this and think about — again, some people love hamburgers, some don't, and we want to respect all ways of life — but if this is appealing to you, just think of this when you think of vaccinations," he said. "Mmm, vaccinations. Mmm. I'm getting a very good feeling about vaccinations right at this moment." 

In August 2021 de Blasio implemented forced injections in his “Key to NYC” campaign, barring the non-injected from working or entering restaurants, malls and other public places. De Blasio was sued by civil rights group America’s Frontline Doctors over the racist campaign, which disproportionately affected Blacks. 

Now de Blasio is back with another push for vaccines, this time for monkeypox. 

“We cannot wait any longer to take action against the spread of monkeypox,” he tweeted. “If we listen to the doctors and the scientists, the steps are clear:  

“Step 1. Designate a one-dose recommendation for those at high risk of infection. An official recommendation will free up resources to handle this growing public health crisis with expediency. Currently, Germany, Canada, and the UK are offering a single dose of the vaccine to high risk individuals. 

“Step 2. Educate the public on how & why monkeypox spreads. We need the NY Public Health Corps to do education and outreach in the LGBTQ community at events where skin-to-skin contact is prevalent, and NYC H+H & DoHMH come together to re-open closed sexual health clinics. 

“Step 3. Have the FDA release the existing vaccines from Denmark. There are currently millions of doses of monkeypox vaccine [that] are stuck due to a lapse in FDA certification. 

“Step 4. Invoke the Defense Production Act to fill the need for vaccines in the US. There really is no time to waste in a crisis like this, and there is so much that federal and city officials can do right now to get control of this crisis.”

But responses to de Blasio’s tweet showed that the politician’s corner is empty. 

“Geez, Pharma’s gone all in on you huh?” 

“Nazi is gonna Nazi. I'm going to make it my mission to prevent you from ever getting power again Herr Wilhelm,” referring to de Blasio’s real name, Warren Wilhelm Jr. 

“Step 5.  Continue doing what Gates, Soros, and the WEF tell you to do. Step 6.  Change your name back to what you were born with, ‘Warren Wilhelm’, because everyone already knows.  Nothing to worry about when some guy from S. America has an UBER German name, right?” 

“There's not a person left in the world who would take another vaccine and if there is they deserve it.” 

“I didn't read any of your posts, can you just save me the time and tell me if there are any free burgers and fries involved?” 

“Is this satire? It has to be satire.” 

“Is there anything you won't use the Defense Production Act for?” 

“Put on your mask! Go home and don’t come out, ever!”