Biden reveals soaring gas prices as ‘transition’ to reduce fossil fuels

Joe Biden appeared to unwittingly reveal Monday that skyrocketing gas prices are part of a “transition” to a world with less fossil fuels, a theory that was discarded as conspiracy until now. 

Biden is an Agenda Contributor for the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose globalist agenda is centered on environmentalism. 

“There will be a global price on carbon,” states the WEF. “This will help make fossil fuels history.” 

It seems that the average American is certainly paying the price for their carbon, and Biden seemed to disclose this week that was the intention. 

“And when it comes to the gas prices,” Biden said in response to a reporter in Tokyo, “we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.” 

The Biden administration has until now been aggressively blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin for the gas price hikes, a narrative which even CNN recently refused to buy. 

Biden’s remarks drew harsh criticism from those who accuse the ruling class of forcing citizens to conform to a globalist agenda. 

“They’re saying the quiet part out loud now,” tweeted House Republican Whip Steve Scalise. “They’re causing you pain at the pump because it’s all part of their radical agenda.” 

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) also weighed in on the “transition” in a Fox News interview. 

“The reason they’re wrong 100 out of 100 times, is they’ve handed the agenda over to the radical Left, to the socialists,” railed Cruz. “It’s Bernie Sanders. It’s AOC. It’s Elizabeth Warren. And socialist policies don’t work.” 

The senator also called out these same agenda-setters for not abiding by the same rules forced upon the lower classes. 

“So you take energy, listen $4.71 today is the average price of gas nationwide,” Cruz said. “Joe Biden isn’t unhappy about that. He’s in Tokyo celebrating saying, ‘it’s an incredible transition.’ Yeah, incredible for you, you fly a damn 747 where the taxpayers pay for your jet fuel. What Joe Biden is saying is if you at home, if you drive a pickup truck, to hell with you, you can’t drive your pickup truck. If you have a Suburban you got to get rid of that, if you’ve got a minivan you got to get rid of that, we’re all getting Toyota Priuses, although he’s gonna pitch it as we’re all getting Teslas.” 

“It is the most arrogant contempt for working men and women in this country,” Cruz concluded. “And that is the view of the hard Left. Let them eat cake. John Kerry as he flies, his private jet all over the globe, says, ‘Gosh, you got to give up your pickup truck because I care so much about the environment,’ and it’s just it’s cruel and messed up and I think the American people are really seeing it.”