Biden COVID commissar urges mainstream, social media censorship

White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha Tuesday urged members of mainstream media and social media companies to follow the government narrative on COVID-19 and censor all others. 

Jha is credited as being the “Founding Father of Lockdowns”, having received widespread media attention in March 2020 for calling for a “national quarantine". He is also credited as being partially responsible for the “two weeks to flatten the curve” strategy, and has relentlessly pushed mandates, including forced masking of children. 

Appearing alongside Dr. Anthony Fauci at Tuesday’s White House briefing – the last of Dr. Fauci’s career – Jha encouraged media corporations and platforms to only allow government-approved COVID-19 messaging and not from “some random dude on Twitter.” 

“[T]he best way, I believe, to counter misinformation and disinformation is to spread good information, to spread science-based information, to have trusted voices,” began Jha. 

"So I started my comments by reminding everybody that America’s physicians” – who Jha had earlier identified as the AMA, the American College of Physicians, the American Association of Family Physicians, and nine others – “like the real leaders of American medicine — the people you trust for your cancer care and your heart care and your pediatrics care — are out there telling you you need to go get a vaccine.  You can decide to trust America’s physicians, or you can trust some random dude on Twitter. Like, those are your choices.

“But I think the key here is to get trusted voices out there spreading truth, spreading science-based information.  

“And for journalists and for people who run platforms, what I would say is: You should be thinking about what your personal responsibility is and do you want to be a source of misinformation and disinformation.  That’s up to — up to those individuals, but I think it’s really important for us, for me to be spreading good information.” 

Jha’s request for social media censorship comes as Fauci, along with other high-ranking officials in the Biden administration, prepare to be deposed in a lawsuit alleging censorship collusion between the White House and tech platforms. 

Fauci was deposed Wednesday, though no details have yet been released. 

“Tomorrow, along with my colleague from Louisiana, my Office and I will depose Dr. Anthony Fauci in our lawsuit against the Biden Administration for allegedly colluding with social media companies to censor freedom of speech,” said Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt in a statement Tuesday. “Since we filed our landmark lawsuit, we have uncovered documents and discovery that show clear coordination between the Biden Administration and social media companies on censoring speech, but we’re not done yet. We plan to get answers on behalf of the American people. Stay tuned.”

“We all deserve to know how involved Dr. Fauci was in the censorship of the American people during the COVID pandemic; tomorrow, I hope to find out. And I will continue fighting for the truth as it relates to Big Government colluding with Big Tech to stifle free speech,” said Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry.

Despite his love for lockdowns, Jha also maintained that the Black Lives Matter protests and gatherings in 2020 were justified because racism carries with it “a serious risk and grave public health cost".