Back to Center: 'How can anyone possibly be happy?'

The “Back to Center” advice column provides perspectives for personal realignment and empowered living in these tyrannical times. Sarah encourages you to reach out to her with requests for advice about self-development and emotional and mental well-being. Please send your questions to Anonymous and secure. Looking forward to hearing from you!

I feel like there's bad news everywhere I look these days — so much violence and grief and struggle. How can anyone possibly be happy? I try, but it feels so hard…

Thank you for your question. I hear you — there are a lot of really difficult and stressful things in the news right now. Achieving happiness and calm can feel elusive and nearly impossible at times.

I'm going to share with you one of the most powerful insights I've ever experienced, in hopes that it will be helpful to you. It's not a new idea, but when you truly internalize it, it can change your life dramatically.

Here it is: Happiness is a choice.

Your level of happiness is 100% up to you. It does not have to depend on anything external — not the state of the world, not your spouse, not your children, not your job. True happiness can't be about what's going on outside of you. If that's how you look at it, you will constantly be running around, desperately reaching out for something to be that thing that makes you feel okay. And that “something” will always ultimately disappoint.

You're right — this world is a hard place to live a lot of the time…terror and tragedy abound these days…spouses forget that important thing you asked them to do…children misbehave…your boss doesn't acknowledge all the hard work you're doing. If we make these people and circumstances responsible for making us happy, we will be waiting a long time. This doesn't work.

True happiness is something you create within yourself. How? I can't answer that for you, but I can tell you some of the things that work for me:

  • Connecting with something higher — Deepening my relationship with God and belief that things happen for a reason as part of a higher plan for the world.
  • Practicing self care — Making a conscious choice to allocate time in my day to things I enjoy that make me feel nourished.
  • Choosing my thoughts — Making healthy decisions about how I want to think about myself, others, and situations in life. Focusing on empowering ideas.
  • Getting into action — Choosing to focus on ways I can do something positive and helpful to others, especially when I feel unhappiness or despair creeping in. This also helps me feel good about myself.

What could this look like for you? How could you shift away from the feeling that the circumstances you see in the world are preventing you from being happy, and find a way to own the process of creating some happiness for yourself? 

Yes, extremely difficult things may happen in life, but it's amazing when we can realize how much of our experience of those hard things — and of life in general — is actually up to us. We don't always have control over what happens to us, but we can always control how we choose to view it, and harnessing that power can change everything for us. 

The more happiness you choose to create, the more it keeps growing. I truly hope you can allow yourself to go on a journey of discovering what brings you true happiness that stands the test of challenging times! 


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Sarah encourages you to reach out to her with requests for advice! Please send your questions to  Anonymous and secure.

Sarah Perron is a Certified Transformational Life Coach. Her passion is to help people create a powerful vision for their lives, identify and eliminate anything that holds them back, and step into their own unique greatness and mission in the world. She believes deeply in the power of coaching to bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and motivation to anyone who wants to thrive in life. Sarah works with clients one-on-one and in group coaching programs and presents exciting workshops on self-development topics. You can follow her on her YouTube channel Find Your Fire.

You are invited to book a complimentary coaching call with Sarah! Please visit to choose a time that's convenient for you. She looks forward to meeting you!