Back to Center: 'COVID was a nightmare - not again!'

I was just reading about how there are plans to reinstate COVID mandates in the U.S. and I am feeling completely overwhelmed by anxiety. No!!! I thought this garbage was over! Masks, contact tracing, lockdowns, all the lies…I can't go through this again! COVID was a nightmare –  I thought we had woken up from it, but now it's about to start all over again. I feel panicked every time I think about it, and I just want to run away, but there's nowhere to run to. What do I do? How do I deal with this? 

Thank you for sharing so deeply. It's a brave thing to admit that you're scared, and you're giving voice here to thoughts and feelings that I'm sure many people share with you. I'll be honest – I also feel dread and fear when I think about COVID mandates returning. So, I'll tell you what I'm telling myself, and I hope it will give you some comfort and courage.

First, you are not alone. There are people around the world – probably many more than you realize – who feel as you do, that the COVID experience we were force-fed was one big lie. If mandates do return as projected, we may find that there are even more people who resist this time around after having gone through COVID once. Find the people around you whom you can trust, and stand by each other. We're stronger together. 

You are stronger than you realize. When you feel like you're drowning in fear, remember this: You got through it the first time around. Yes, it may have been incredibly difficult, but one way or another, you came through it. If you can, think back a bit about your COVID experience. What inner resources did you draw on to persevere through those times? How did you keep yourself going? What helped you get to the other side? Even if you feel like you were a mess, know that you have strengths that carried you through. Identify and harness them for whatever lies ahead.

Accepting reality helps you get through it. When we feel that something bad is looming, we often want to fight it or deny it or run away from it. The trouble is, if something is really happening, none of those options are going to help us weather the storm – they'll probably just make things harder for us. But if we can get to the place of accepting the reality that is before us – in this case, that it looks like COVID is making some sort of comeback – then we become empowered with choices to make. How am I going to approach this difficult experience? What thoughts do I want to consciously choose about what I'm going through? What can I do to help myself and others? What am I willing to do, and what am I not willing to do? Things will probably still be hard, but you'll be owning your experience, heading into it straight on. You'll likely feel stronger and see yourself in a more positive light, which will give you an extra dose of courage to carry on.

Above all, keep breathing. Fear feeds on lack of air. Breathing deeply when you're afraid will help you recenter and find your footing again. Find activities that help you feel calm and positive, and add them into your daily routine. Take care of yourself in any way you can.

No doubt about it – we are living in tough times. Hang in there, friend, and take heart. I believe there is an “other side” to this mess we're in, and holding onto the hope of that will carry us through the darkness. Be well!


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Sarah Perron is a Certified Transformational Life Coach. Her passion is to help people create a powerful vision for their lives, identify and eliminate anything that holds them back, and step into their own unique greatness and mission in the world. She believes deeply in the power of coaching to bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and motivation to anyone who wants to thrive in life. Sarah works with clients one-on-one and in group coaching programs and presents exciting workshops on self-development topics. You can follow her on her YouTube channel Find Your Fire.

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