Australia reverts to penal colony status as population of innocents home-incarcerated, arrested, pepper sprayed, threatened with imprisonment

Daily Exposé reports Australian truckers have warned the public to stock up on essentials as they claim they are going to take back Australia by creating a blockade and choking the supply chain.Video messages surfacing in recent days warn Australians to prepare, and stock up on food and basic necessities. They claim to have widespread support among teamsters and military veterans."I am hearing call after call of people having adverse and serious reactions to these vaccines so much so that I have flagged this with other staff and managers who agree, one who stated it is absolutely no coincidence that many cardiac events whether they be cardiac arrest or heart palpitations etc. directly follow these vaccines and callers are stating that they have never had events like this before and directly connect it with the vaccines. There are exponentially more people being hospitalized in NSW due to these adverse reactions than to COVID itself."I’m reaching out here not because I’m trying to convince any of you of this but I’m currently on a few days off as I’m not coping well with knowing this information first hand and just want to share and have some support (maybe there are doctors or nurses in this group who agree?) each time I go to work , although I have declined the vaccinations officially I am still asked again and again."The 51-year-old woman who died on Monday was COVID positive but she was found dead by her family at 9:10 am and when the paramedics arrived they pronounced her dead on site (no attempt to resuscitate), I took this call and the investigation that followed was completely out of the ordinary so as the government could add to its COVID death stats and vaccination propaganda! There is absolutely no way she had had an autopsy and the actual reason for death was confirmed by the 6pm news! Why I need a few days break is that I cannot bear to hear another beautiful elderly man weeping because his wife is unconscious and has death breath 3 days post-Astra Zeneca and no one is doing a thing to investigate this!!"Thanks for listening all and sending love to you and yours.”.This, as Melbourne is currently in its sixth lockdown due to a total of 5 people being in hospital due to the alleged COVID-19 disease in the whole state where it is located, Victoria. Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews announced new, stricter lockdown measures.Face covering mandates will tighten even further as Andrews announced that Melburnians will no longer be allowed to remove their face masks if they’re out of the house and drinking alcoholic beverages in public.A New South Wales ambulance worker was quoted saying: “…For those who don’t know I work in NSW Ambulance control and have done for the last 18 years . I personally take up to 120 calls per shift for ambulance assistance and I am flabbergasted that it appears no hospital staff in NSW i.e. doctors or nurses in emergency rooms have come out with the information."He continued:An "Editor’s note" by the Gold Coast ReviewAustralian National Review said "we get messages like this almost daily from around the world and around Australia."The 400 recorded Australian deaths and 45,000 injured wouldn’t even represent 10% of the reality. Possibly not even 1%... This is mass genocide, and happening whether you accept it or not. Over 4 billion vaccinated already."