AFLDS founder waives ‘selective prosecution’ defense; accepts misdemeanor plea deal for delivering medical talk on gov’t property

A practicing emergency physician from University of Chicago Medical School, who also holds a degree from Stanford University Law School, is invited to the nation’s capital to give a medical speech.  She is told at the last second that all speeches are canceled and walks with the crowd to a different venue. She watches the crowd enter through the open doors of a government building with police standing by and not asking the crowd to stay out.  She gives her talk and leaves within 20 minutes.

So far, a fairly mundane story; that is, until 12 days later when 20 FBI agents come to arrest Dr. Simone Gold on five separate charges including obstruction of an official proceeding, parading, and disorderly conduct and placed her on the No Fly List.

Imagine going to a government building, like your local school board, on a day of protests, walking through open doors, standing in the lobby and talking for 20 minutes, leaving … and having a score of police officers come to your house 2 weeks later to arrest you on multiple charges!

What happened to, “sorry, this area is not open to the public, please leave” and that’s the end of it?

Singled out

Acknowledging the natural disdain of Americans for a tilted justice system, an official AFLDS statement  declared:

With regard to the prosecution of Dr. Gold for her speech in the Capitol on January 6, AFLDS protests a system whereby the laws are applied unequally, and notes that January 6 defendants are overwhelmingly victims of selective prosecution.

We remember that in the summer of 2020 there were months of riots - and the DOJ [Department of Justice] brought no charges. 

We remember that in January 2017 hundreds of persons occupied the Capital, set fires in the street, burned cop cars, smashed windows - and again the DOJ did nothing. 

We The People are not free if our judicial system is weaponized: deployed to selectively prosecute some and restrained from prosecuting others. Our judiciary must enforce laws equally without favoritism or vengeance. 


The AFLDS statement is supported by the constitution itself, as the US Supreme Court has held citizens to be constitutionally protected from “selective prosecution” stating:

Under the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment's Due Process Clause, the decision whether to prosecute may not be based on an arbitrary classification such as race or religion. [Emphasis added].

How strong of a case did Dr. Gold have to dismiss the charges against her as unconstitutional “selective prosecution"? She had a shockingly strong one. Dr. Gold, for her part though, decided not to prolong the matter. 

Light over darkness

An 18th century maxim teaches the preference for investing one’s efforts in spreading light rather than getting bogged down in a fight with darkness:

A little bit of light dispels a great deal of darkness.” 

Dr. Gold channels that message as she moves forward with this public announcement:

Fellow Americans:

I have taken the necessary time to process the difficult decision I made regarding the events of January 6. I agreed to a plea deal on the misdemeanor count of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds. As I said to the Washington Post on January 22, 2021, more than a year ago, I regretted being swept into these events. As an attorney as well as a medical doctor, I have always had great respect for the rule of law and great compassion for all humanity. 

Those of you who know me will understand that it is not my nature to dwell on the past, and now I square my shoulders, turn the page, and focus on making our world a better place.

In 2022 I will be turning my attention to creating a vehicle to empower you to take back sovereignty over your own health. More details will be forthcoming on these innovative new wellness centers which are named Gold Care Health & Wellness. For now, please visit to put yourself on a waiting list. 

Thank you for standing by me throughout this personal tribulation. I am grateful for your outpouring of support.

Evidence for selective prosecution

The evidence that those who disagree with the government line were singled out for “special treatment” has come from all sides. Even the New York Times tweeted

The House committee investigating the assault on the Capitol and what led to it is employing the aggressive tactics prosecutors use on mobsters and terrorists.

Actual Capitol building bomber pardoned!

A meme highlighting the different approaches taken to socialist groups and pro-freedom groups pointed out that a communist who didn’t just enter the Capitol building but actually helped blow part of it up was pardoned for the crime. As confirmed in a Newsweek fact check of the meme, “Susan Rosenberg, formerly a member of a left-wing terrorist group known as M19CO [May 19th Communist Organization], did participate in the bombing of the U.S. Capitol's North Wing in 1983 … She was convicted and sentenced to 58 years in prison but served only 16 after being pardoned by President Bill Clinton.” 

2021 insurrection?

The DOJ has attempted to justify their heavy handed approach to those in and near the Capitol on January 6, 2021, by accusing the protestors of attempting to carry out an insurrection. While Dr. Gold was in the Capitol to give a medical speech, not a speech about the election, it is worth noting that, in any case, a Washington Examiner report entitled, “FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6” stated:

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence."

By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports:

The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials …

“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.” 

This report is a devastating blow to President Joe Biden and Democrats, who have attempted to make the existence of an “insurrection” on Jan. 6 a key issue in the 2022 midterm elections … 

Trying to politicize it and turn it into something it wasn't won’t make the Capitol any safer.

2020 insurrection?

The above quoted AFLDS statement noting the failure of the DOJ to bring charges against the violent rioters of 2020 is particularly noteworthy as the stated aims of Antifa, the leaders of the riots, include an actual revolution.

The New American’s William Jasper reported on the rather public agenda of Antifa which seems to have been overlooked by the DOJ:

“When we fight, we fight for communism, and all our constructive and destructive activity is geared toward building our party, which will wage a protracted people’s war, establishing socialism and continuing the revolution under the rule of the working class."

So declares Red Guards Austin, the masked ‘Antifa’ thugs of Austin, Texas, who march about displaying the communist hammer & sickle symbol, and who also openly display banners emblazoned with images of Karl Marx and mass-murderers Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin. [Emphases added].

Worse than selective prosecution?

What could be worse than being singled out for prosecution of a crime while others are pardoned or never charged in the first place? Being set up for the crime.

I’m sad Dr. Gold took a plea deal. The Capitol police waved people to come into the building. They removed barricades. They stood there as people walked past them. They were set up. It makes me furious." [Emphasis added].

So read a comment left on the AFLDS website.

The New American, in “January 6 Melee: Insurrection or Fedsurrection?”, lends support to the idea that protestors and others were indeed “set up":

Was the January 6, 2021, “invasion” of the U.S. Capitol a “coup attempt” by President Trump and his supporters? Or was it a choreographed setup by federal officials and their MAGA-hat-wearing agents provocateurs to create an incident that would be used to smear Trump followers as terrorists and to justify more oppressive legislation and police-state powers targeting conservatives? Mounting evidence points to the latter. This is the central issue that must be settled; all other expressions of concern about the January 6 affair are distractions… 

In a press conference at the Capitol on January 6, Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) hit these issues head-on, particularly calling out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the House January 6 Committee, and the media for blatantly ignoring the evidence of federal agents provocateurs inciting and leading the “insurrection". 

“We are here to expose the truth, to ask key questions about what happened on Jan. 6, who animated the violence, the extent to which the federal government may have been involved,” Gaetz told reporters. “We know this: Jan. 6 last year wasn’t an insurrection. No one has been charged with insurrection. No one has been charged with treason. But it very well may have been a Fedsurrection.”

Insurrectionist investigating the insurrection?

What could be worse than being set up for a crime? Being set up for a crime and then investigated by those who themselves, at a different time, freely involved themselves in that very crime. Journalist John Solomon reported that

Rep. Bennie Thompson, the Mississippi Democrat who chairs the congressional commission investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot … in 1971 … placed himself on the opposite side, openly sympathizing with a secessionist group known as the Republic of New Africa and participating in a news conference blaming law enforcement for instigating clashes with the group that led to the killings of a police officer and the wounding of an FBI agent … 

Thompson's affection for the RNA and its members — which FBI counterintelligence memos from the 1970s warned were threatening "guerrilla warfare" against the United States — was still intact as recently as 2013, when he openly campaigned on behalf of the group's former vice president to be mayor of Mississippi's largest city … 

Thompson's Democratic colleague in Congress and the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois, famously cofounded the extremist Black Panthers chapter in Illinois in 1968 before he entered politics. Both the RNA and the Black Panthers were avowed supporters of insurrection, and at one point in 1967, armed Black Panthers stormed the state capitol in California.

Dr. Gold on Jan. 6

Where does Dr. Gold fit in with all the events of January 6, 2021? The Washington Post reported on the extent of the doctor’s activities that day:

“I can certainly speak to the place that I was, and it most emphatically was not a riot,” the California resident said in a phone interview Monday. “Where I was, was incredibly peaceful.” Gold confirmed that she went inside the Capitol, saying she followed a crowd and assumed that it was legal to do so … 

Gold said she traveled to Washington to speak at a “Rally for Health Freedom” on the east side of the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon…

Gold and about a dozen others were expected to speak after President Trump addressed supporters gathered for a large rally near the White House. But Gold said that as she was about to give her speech at 1 p.m., someone in the crowd told her that all speeches were canceled. 

Gold said she followed the crowd up the steps and into the building. She estimated she was inside the Capitol for about 20 minutes before police ushered everyone out. She used some of that time to give the speech she had planned to make earlier.” [Emphases added].

Moving forward to fix a broken healthcare system

The AFLDS statement on the plea agreement goes on to say:

Esteemed and courageous Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, Simone Gold, MD, JD, made the difficult decision to agree to a plea deal regarding the activities of January 6. She pled to a misdemeanor for entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds.

Dr. Gold, an emergency physician and attorney who spent years saving lives, has never denied her presence in the Capital. Recently, Dr. Gold stepped down from her position as a Board Member with AFLDS, and is focused on building a nationwide system of health and wellness clinics focused first and foremost on patient care …

America’s Frontline Doctors, the nation’s premier Civil Liberties organization, remains committed to our vital mission of regaining our lost freedoms and preserving all of our Constitutional rights. With the help of our tremendous supporters, we will keep fighting. 

Dr. Simone Gold is moving forward with a renewed focus on offering options besides the broken healthcare system which hurt so many patients and harmed our national interest. Her innovative new venture for wellness centers, aptly named Gold Care Health & Wellness, will be announced shortly.

Our support for Dr. Simone Gold will not waver and we continue to stand with her.